history might be wrong:
- What were obelisks
really for?
say said that the Great Pyramid of Giza once had golden capstone
on the top, but what if it was a giant obelisk that could
harness electricity?
Mainstream archaeologists say that the Great Pyramid was made
by and for the pharaoh Cheops (Khufu). But no
mummy of this king was found
in the pyramid; only small marks that
Great Pyramid
Top - for an obelisk?
Remaining obelisk Luxor
Lightning strikes
Bagdad battery
Dendra light
Box in the King's chamber
the symbol of his name. Cheops shall have reigned from 2589
to 2566 BC, but the question is if he claimed a pyramid that
already stood there.
the Great Pyramid was first thoroughly examined it was found
watermarks halfway up the sides and remains of salt inside
to the same height. There had never been seawater at Giza
in historical times. So might be the Great Pyramid is much
older - older than the famous Sphinx? Well, the Sphinx is
now dated to be at least 5.000 years old, and some archaeologists
say that it is 800.000 years old!
So what is an obelisk? According to Wikipedia: "An
obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which
ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. Originally
they were called tekhenu by their builders, the Ancient Egyptians.
The obelisk hieroglyph in the Egyptian language is t(kh)n,
and is the identical word with the same spelling (different
determinatives), for 'to beat a drum', musician, etc. There
are other meanings for 'tekhen', as well."
So - an ancient obelisk might have
been a long kind of rod that was associated with a drumming
Lightning is a sharp light from the
sky followed by thunder. Thunder can sound like drumming -
very loud drumming if it is close. Might be the Egyptian obelisks
were a kind of lightning rods?
A lightning rod is meant to lead the dangerous
electricity from the lightning to the ground/earth. A lightning
flash is about 300 million volts and 30.000 amps. A lot of
electric energy! Enough energy to light a 100-watt light bulb
for about three months!
Some researchers believe that electricity was used in old
Mesopotamia and Egypt and that the so-called Baghdad Battery
is proof of that. Baghdad is the capital of what today is
Iraq, - and what some say was a ancient battery consists of
a ceramic pot, a tube of copper and a rod of iron. Several
of these batteries shall have been connected to produce strong
enough voltage requires for electroplating but no poof for
this has been found.
Some researchers also ask if the so-called
Dendera-lights in the Hathor temple in Egypt depict electric
light bulbs. Mainstream archalogists refute this and say that
the illustrations depicts the deity Horus emerging from a
lotus flower. Sometimes a djed pillar supports the flower.
It might be noted that the priest (or god) holding the flower
is much taller than the other persons in the pictures.
If they did not have electrisity how
come there are no ancient soot marks in corridors and chambers?
Several researchers believe that the Great Pyramid was a power
Christopher Dunn says that the pyramid
was a large acoustical device made by an ancient civilisation
that could create a harmonic resonance with the Earth and
convert the Earth's vibrational energies to electricity.
scientists made a model of the pyramid to check if it had
hidden power and concluded that the Great Pyramid could collect
and concentrate electromagnetic energy in it
Some might call me a conspiracy
but I am only asking questions about our history and
and it's base. Also other researchers have made models of
the Great Pyramid and claim that meat placed inside will not
get rotten and that razor blades will sharpen.
The British inventor Werner von Siemens
climbed on top of the Great Pyramid and wrapped a wet newspaper
around a bottle. Sparks came out of it and when he pointed
it at the guide the poor man got an electric shock and fell
to the ground.
It has been speculated that the subterranean chamber under
the pyramid also makes it at hydraulic pulse generator and
a water pump.
Some say that the stone box inside the pyramid is
I have been told that my research
might be dangerous but we might need the answers!
wrong size to have been a sarcophagus, and that it might have
been used for something else - like storing an electrolyte
that could carry an electric charge.
Others points to that the pyramid
once was covered with white tufa limestone that has a high
insulation properties that would prevent electricity inside
the pyramid to get released. And that the passages and chambers
are made of granite which is a good electrical conductor.
who had the knowledge and technology to make the Great Pyramid
to a power plant? Well, according to legends it was not the
ordinary Egyptians but gods that had come from showplace else.
Tall, white skinned and human looking gods.
Imhoptep and Ptah
Denisova cave and findings
The god Amun
Gods and kings
Nikola Tesla making sparks
The unfinished obelisk
vizier Imhotep shall have been the architect of the first
pyramid of Giza: The pyramid of pharaoh Djozer. Djoser shall
have reighed 2686 to 2648 BC.
Imhotep later was considered to have
been a god, he was known as "Son of Ptah". Ptah
was said to have been a creator god and a patron of craftsmen
and architects.
As all the other, and many, gods of
ancient Egypt the god Ptah lived among the people. Might be
he was a surviving Denisovan or a mix between Denisovans and
ordinary humans?
Denisova cave
A finger bone was found in the Denisova cave of Altai Mountains
of Siberia in 2008. DNA-testing two years later showed that
it had belonged to an unknown race of hominins. It was named
Denisova hominins. A tooth that was found in the cave was
so large that they at fist thought it had belonged to a cave
bear - so might bee these hominins had been very tall?
Of other findings were a bracelet
that had a drilled hole, a needle with hole for a tread and
plenty of beads. Beads made of ostrich eggshells - and ostriches
lives thousands of miles away. Well, they have now found Denisova-DNA
all the way to the Pacific Islands - even Australia!
female pharaoh Hatshepsut who reigned from 1503 to 1482 BC
erected four obelisks at Karnak. Only one is standing today,
it is 21.7 meters (71 feet) tall. The tallest standing ancient
Egyptian obelisk is the Lateran obelisk in Roma, Italy. It
is 32.2 meters (105.6 feet) tall.
The largest known ancient obelisk
is the unfinished obelisk in the ancient stone quarries of
Aswan in Egypt. It would have measured 42 meters (138 feet)
and weighed nearly 1,090 tons (about 200 elephants)!
The tips of the ancient obelisks of
Egypt are said to have been covered with gold or/and electrum
- electrum is a natural alloy of gold and silver - to catch
the first rays of the sun in the morning.
Hatshepsut was the daughter of the
pharaoh Thuthmose 1 and queen Ahmose, but the legend says
that Ahmose was impregnated by the god Amun. Well, the gods
of Egypt were not living in a theological heaven - they lived
on Earth among the people. They helped them to develop their
societies - even married them and had children with them.
There were more than two thousand deities in ancient Egypt!
Just taller
Many statues and depictions of pharaohs and gods of ancient
Egypt show the gods looking like humans - just taller than
the kings. All very young and with more Scandinavian than
Egyptian looking faces. So might be they were, as earlier
mentioned, another kind of human beings? Were they called
gods because they had a much more advanced technology?
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor of the modern
alternating current electricity, was convinced that builder
of the pyramids of Egypt had discovered how to harness electricity
from energy from heaven or earth. He managed to create strong
electric sparks in his laboratory and built a tower that was
to be used for wireless transmission. During the Second World
War he sought patents for powerful particle-bean weapon, but
when Tesla was found dead in a hotel-room in January 1943
representatives of the US-government sized his documents.
Nobody knows where they are today.
Other places
are found ancient obelisks other places of the world, like
the two and a half meter tall Tello obelisk in Peru, but none
of the can compare with the Egyptian in size. The largest/tallest
ever is the mentioned unfinished obelisk with its 42 meters.
The theory is that they left incomplete because it got a crack
in the middle. Very much possible, but why did it get a crack?
Did they not have the tools, like the mysterious Shamir that
king Solomon found and used to make the first temple of Israel?
And why did they try to make such an enormous obelisk? It
must have been very important. Might be they had lost the
knowledge on how to make electricity - and needed the electric
power to keep their civilization going? And the pyramids -
did they try to copy the Great Pyramid, that might have been
thousands of years older that the others? Did they try but
could not succeed? Might be because the gods were gone?
All over the world the legends are
that gods with their impressive technology had turned up from
across the sea, helped the people to develop their societies
and disappear across the ocean again.
Are we talking about what is called
forbidden archaeology?
Terje Dahl