Workshop Townsville Sport and Recreation
(Only me there from table tennis but I had prepared a paper:)

Workshop Townsville Sport and Recreation, Friday 22nd October 201
Purpose: Review of the Sport & Recreation Strategic Plan.

I will briefly look into the following areas:
1. Competitions
2. Recruitment
3. Training
4. Leaders and coaches
5. Supporting bodies
6. Information

1. Competitions:
- not enough (local) competitions for some sports like table tennis.
Suggestions: Local government assist with costs and availabilities to venues, use of government printing facilities (for invitations, posters, programs, awards etc), economical assistance towards trophies. Encourage local associations to arrange competitions and leagues for young athletes. Educate the sports leaders so that they can arrange competitions (the routines, how to get sponsors etc)
- long distances to higher level competitions.
Suggestions: The Young Athlete Assistance Program should be changed, the applicants are only eligible to receive financial assistance once every two years - this should be changed to at least once a year, better would be that sportspeople could apply at any time - be given assistance after need. Can the air force or commercial airlines help with (cheaper) transport for sports people? Bring more high level competitions and competitors to Townsville (see previous point).
- not enough media/public interest for sports besides the few big ones.
Suggestions: Educate the sports leaders so that they can arrange and promote interesting competitions (the routines, how to get sponsors etc), assist (see previous points). Might be initiate inter-state competitions like football's "State of Origin" for other sports. Initiate and establish a Townsville sport internet site (like, see later)
2. Recruitment
- difficult to recruit when there are lack of venues, leaders and coaches.
Suggestions: Find (council-)venues that can be used and arrange (change regulations) so they can be used (schools, military, churches, Jezzanine-area etc). Give economical assistance to costs of paying rent for venues. Educate the sports leaders and coaches, motivate through awards and other recognition, help them to make it more easy to get days off from regular work. Note: After-school-care and sports should be looked into!
- difficult and expensive to inform about new courses (and beginner's competitions).
Suggestions: Educate the sports leaders so that they learn how to do it, use of government printing facilities, economical assistance. Initiate and establish a Townsville sport internet site (like, see later). Note: Sports in school and after-school-care and sports should be looked into!
- not enough indigenous athletes get involved
Suggestions: Motivate indigenous kids to get into sports through specific program and contact with the indigenous communities and by encouraging the sporting clubs and associations to recruit indigenous boys and girls (My idea: "Indigo" = Indigenous - go! Can also be used in other areas).
3. Training
- hard to reach national and international level
Suggestions: See all the above points. Must get involved in sports at young age and given proper training and motivation (the social aspect is often overlooked!), parents must understand and accept that sports is very important (also when it comes to results in school!), the schools must make it more easy for the athlete/students to do their training at a required level and take part in competitions. Physical education in school should be extended and adapted to ages and level.
- leaving sport too early
Suggestions: The educational institutions must be streamlined so that sports on high level is possible (like doing uni-courses and might be high school over longer time). The leaders and coaches must be educated so that they understand the important social side to sports and training.
- coaches are thinking own pocket and not the athletes/associations/clubs.
Suggestions: Regulate fees to coaches (if possible), encourage clubs and association to look into squad-training instead of private coaching.
4. Leaders and coaches
Educate the sports leaders and coaches, motivate through awards and other recognition, help them to make it more easy to get days off from regular work. Obligatory workshops and follow-up education for paid coaches (and administrators), they must send in yearly reports to Sport and Recreation (included in yearly reports from all associations/clubs).
5. Supporting bodies
- injuries makes it hard to reach and maintain a high level.
Suggestions: The coaches must be educated to understand and know how to reach/use the supporting bodies like medical/health personnel (in addition to learn how to use preventive training). Educate the sports leaders so they understand the importance of supporting bodies. Initiate and establish a Townsville sport internet site (like, see later) where these issues are present.
- leaders, coaches and athletes do not know where to get financial and other support.
Suggestions: Initiate and establish a Townsville sport internet site (like, see under.
6. Information
- athletes, leaders, coaches, supporting bodies, media, schools, kids and parents do not get sufficient information about sports in Townsville - and all the possibilities.
Suggestions: Send out all relevant information to all associations/clubs/schools etc, establish a database of all contacts (phone, mobile, e-mail etc). Initiate and establish a Townsville sport internet site (like where all relevant information can be in - and might be also all the sporting associations also have their own (free) website. The website shall include a calendar for sporting activities in Townsville (competitions, courses, workshops etc), information about all sporting associations and clubs in town and information about the supporting bodies.

All the above was written down in a rush, without very much knowledge of the existing Sport & Recreation Strategic Plan.

North Ward, 22 October 2010.

Terry Dahl

PS: What happened to Aussie Sport?

Workshop 2 - Organised sport & recreation
Date: Friday 22nd October 2010
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Reid Park Pit Complex, 55-95 Boundary St, Railway Estate.
RSVP: Thursday 21st October
Light refreshments provided.