I am trying to figure out if the Denisovan giants changed human history!

Did they not mummify their pharaohs so that they could get to an afterlife but to actually live again?


Tok bodyparts in jar to keep it. Was it to prserve the DNA so that . The mask lokking like themseleve or the way they liked to look (beautify).

When death came, it was only a transition to another realm where, if one were justified by the gods, one would live eternally in a paradise known as The Field of Reeds. TThe canopic jars were four in number, each for the safekeeping of particular human organs: the stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver, all of which, it was believed, would be needed in the afterlife. There was no jar for the heart: the Egyptians believed it to be the seat of the soul, and so it was left inside the body.



The descriptions by Enoch, one of the chosen in the Hebrew bible, records that the Nephilim, or the watchers, fell in an age long ago, with the onslaught of a great fire and deluge. Interestingly, the fall from grace of the Nephilim, is vaguely similar to earlier legends of the Annunaki gods of ancient Sumeria. According to sumerian tablets written in cuneiform, a group of 600 Annunaki decided to gift man with the knowledge and fruits of civilization and agriculture, and as a result of the transgression, the upper Annunaki of heaven led by An, threw the others down into the underworld.

The Nephilim /'n?f??l?m/ (Hebrew: ?????????, nefilim) were the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge, according to Genesis 6:1–4. A similar or identical biblical Hebrew term, read as "Nephilim" by some scholars, or as the word "fallen" by others, appears in Ezekiel 32:27.

he Nephilim, the offspring of the illicit union between fallen angels and human women as detailed in Genesis 6, were superhuman tyrants who threatened the very existence of humanity and necessitated the flood which destroyed the entire creations save for Noah and his family. When the giants returned after the flood faithful men and woman of God stood against them and continued the war to protect the bloodline of the prophesied Messiah.


Anak is a figure in the Hebrew Bible. His descendants are mentioned in narratives concerning the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites. According to the Book of Numbers, Anak was a forefather of the Anakim. The Bible describes them as very tall descendants of the Nephilim.


“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” (Genesis 6:4)(NASB)

Tower of Babel:
The Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth meant to explain why the world's peoples speak different languages.
According to the story, a united human race in the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar (????????). There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their city and tower, confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
Shinar is the term used in the Hebrew Bible for the general region of Mesopotamia.
Så kanskje de var vant til å bo i høyden - så de bygget et høyt tårn?

Where they the Denisovans the ancient giants?

A piece of a Denisovan skull has been found, and the size tells that they had
much larger brain than us humans.
So might be they were smarter?
Guanches Canary Islands Tall, blond and blue-eyed, the Guanches have long intrigued the anthropologists, for blond natives are rarity. According to the reliable Encyclopedia Britannica, the Guanches "are thought to have been of Cro-Magnon origin... and had a brown complexion, blue or gray eyes, and blondish hair."

How they think a Denisvan man looked.
How Denisovans looked?


Could these ancient mummies be descended from Atlanteans?
The Guanches were the first known inhabitants of the Canary Islands, but their true origins have baffled archaeologists.

Their mummification rituals saw them linked to the Ancient Egyptians, and some legends suggested they could even have been surviving inhabitants of Atlantis. New scientific evidence, however, may have found the truth


Astonishing 'Russian Atlantis' rises from Siberian waters


Excavated human remains from Pazyryk reveal that both men and women were tattooed, and that – although Greek and Persian depictions of Scythians portray them with fulsome beards – the men were clean-shaven. One burial (that of a chieftain) contained a false beard made of human hair, but it is thought that this beard played a part in the funerary rites rather than having been worn in the chieftain’s lifetime.
The nomadic Scythians were great riders and they depended on their horses. Their enthusiasm for and bond with these creatures can be seen in the level of care with which they were presented as mythological beings. Favourite horses were buried and readied for the afterlife in spectacular fashion. Saddle

The Scythian Steppe people were often blonde people and in general they were tall people. Fadlan described their stature as tall "as date palm trees", with beautiful bodies, with blonde hair and with tattoos.
Some of the women have fair hair and blue eyes but the men are strongly built and have red or dark hair. Scythian craftsmen were good at casting metal.
Until the 1700s, a lot of what we knew about the Scythians was cobbled together from a range of ancient sources – none of them written by the Scythians themselves as they didn’t ‘do’ writing. So what we had was a collection of accounts written by Greeks, Assyrians and Persians – and they were usually terrified (although often also impressed)

Scientists Have Just Confirmed The Discovery of the First Denisovan Skull Piece in History

A chunk of a Denisovan skull has been identified for the first time—a dramatic contribution to the handful of known samples from one of the most obscure branches of the hominin family tree. P

The first Denisovan was described in 2010 from the fragment of a pinky finger bone, and three more were identified from teeth. This skull piece, excavated about three years ago in that same Siberian cave, represents a fifth individual.


Sumerian god and humans
Sumerian god and humans
Pyramid Canary Islands
Guanche mummy Canary Islands
Guanche mummy
Schytian rider made of gold
Schytian rider
Schytian warrior
Schytian warrior
Kurgan invation
Kurgan invationThe "Kurgan Invasion" hypothesis pictured the original IndoEuropeans as mounted warriors ranging out from a homeland north of the
Black Sea beginning in about 4400 B.C.
Cro-magnon man
Cro-magnon man
Underwater pyramids Bahamas
Pyramids Bahamas
Haamonga Triliton, Tonga
Haamonga Triliton, Tonga

Kurgan culture, seminomadic pastoralist culture that spread from the Russian steppes to Danubian Europe about 3500 Bc, . By about 2300 bc the Kurgans arrived in the Aegean and Adriatic regions. The Kurgans buried their dead in deep shafts within artificial burial mounds, or barrows.
The earliest known kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC in the Caucasus. Kurgan barrows were characteristic of Bronze Age peoples, and have been found from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Altay Mountains, Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria.
The Kurgan hypothesis or Steppe theory is the most widely accepted proposal to identify the Proto-Indo-European homeland from which the Indo-European languages spread out throughout Europe, Eurasia and parts of Asia

Pezron, who traced the Gomarian giants' early entrance into the European provinces, discovered that they came by two routes. The Cimbrians entered from the north. These people ... were better known unto the Greeks by the name of Cimmerians.... I have clearly enough proved that these last were called Sacae, while they continued in the Upper Asia, and I have shewn there were two sorts of them, viz. the more civilized Sacae, who coalesced into societies in Bactriana and the adjacent countries, and the vagrant and wild Sacae, who were known by the name "Nomades".... While the Cimbri followed this northern route into Europe, their gigantic cousins, the Gomarian Sacae, advanced along the southern route. Having filled Hircania, Margiana, and Bactriana, these giants soon irrupted into greater Armenia. They afterwards invaded Syria, settled colonies as far as Arabia, and became neighbors of the Chaldeans. Yet, for all these expansions, many Gomerians

There’s a highly descriptive account in the Building Texts of the groups of gods arriving in Egypt following the inundation of their island homeland. The Shebtiw possessed the ability to “enbue with power the substances of the earth”, they could “magnify things” and provide magical protection through the careful use of symbols and words; a second group, the Builder Gods, were in charge of constructing sacred architecture “according to what the Sages of the primeval age revealed to Twt”; then there were the Shining Ones, Followers of Horus, each an expert in their field, whose knowledge was superior even to that of Twt [Thoth]. Interesting how they carry the same attributes as the Lords of Anu and the Watchers, as well as Viracocha and his Hayhuaypanti (Shining Ones) in the Andes.
Full account and its relationship to other world traditions in The Missing Lands.

Hitler and the Himalayas: The SS Mission to Tibet 1938-39
Of all the exotic images that the West has ever projected onto Tibet, that of the Nazi expedition, and its search for the pure remnants of the Aryan race, remains the most bizarre.
They were, in fact, on a diplomatic and quasi-scientific mission to establish relations between Nazi Germany and Tibet and to search for lost remnants of an imagined Aryan race hidden somewhere on the Tibetan plateau.
The term “Aryan”, for example, comes from the Sanskrit word arya, meaning noble. In the Vedas, the most ancient Hindu scriptures, the term describes a race of light-skinned people from Central Asia who conquered and subjugated the darker-skinned (or Dravidian) peoples of the Indian subcontinent.
Later he wrote of a Vril society, consisting of a race of super-beings that would emerge from their underground hiding-places to rule the world.

Naga - serpent people in Altai mountaina!
Central Asia—the Heart of Asia—was for him the true source, the field in which this seed of Good could be found. Shambhala was a reality to Roerich, an unquestioned fact, the heart of the planet, the place to which we owe our existence, our spiritual survival, and our knowledge.
Naga, (Sanskrit: “serpent”) in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, a member of a class of mythical semidivine beings, half human and half cobra. They are a strong, handsome species who can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form and are potentially dangerous but often beneficial to humans.

Bibelen. Eva fikk eplet fra slangen Vel, ikke slange, men en serpewn som ble til en slange!
In the biblical narrative, Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and are exiled from Eden.
However, a serpent deceives Eve into eating fruit from the forbidden tree, and she gives some of the fruit to Adam. These acts give them additional knowledge, but it gives them the ability to conjure negative and destructive concepts such as shame and evil. God later curses the serpent and the ground.
God, who was walking in the Garden, finds out and to prevent Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the Tree of Life and living forever, they are banished from the Garden and God posts an angelic guard. The serpent is punished for its role in the fall by being a curse that God change the serpent into a snake to crawl on its belly and eat dust.

The term “Aryan”, for example, comes from the Sanskrit word arya, meaning noble. In the Vedas, the most ancient Hindu scriptures, the term describes a race of light-skinned people from Central Asia who conquered and subjugated the darker-skinned (or Dravidian) peoples of the Indian subcontinent.

Blue-Eyed Immigrants Transformed Ancient Israel 6,500 Years Ago
Thousands of years ago in what is now northern Israel, waves of migrating people from the north and east — present-day Iran and Turkey — arrived in the region. And this influx of newcomers had a profound effect, transforming the emerging culture.

Fra Atlantis Rising:

Piri Reis mapProfessor Charles Hapgood "Maps of the Acient Sea Kings" of 1966 he wrote: "the acient voyagers travelled from pole to pole." "the evidence indicates that some ancient people explored the coast of Antarctica when it was free of ice". The Piri Reis map shows the coast without ice - The continent of Antarctica was discovered in 1818, several hundreds of years after the Piri Reis map was drawn, yet it shows a land mass where Antarctica is.
The map information must have been obtained earlier , either by the Phoenicans or by some other (and unknown) people.
For15 million years, it has been a frozen desert under a thick ice sheet.
The ice cap has covered the Queen Maud Land coast for at least the last 6000 years.
The average air temperature tempareatur today is 28 °C,

Our ancient Denisovan ancestors travelled much further than we thought
A 160,000-year-old Denisovan jawbone found in a cave on the Tibetan Plateau is the first reported evidence of this ancient human group outside the Denisova cave in Siberia. This jawbone is also the earliest known hominin fossil found on the Tibetan Plateau. The discovery indicates that Denisovans - a sister group of Neanderthals - adapted to high-altitude, low-oxygen environments much earlier than the regional arrival of modern humans.


The single finger bone was unusually broad and robust, much larger than is seen in modern people. And it belonged to a female, which, given typical sexual dimorphism, indicates that the Denisovan men must have been extremely robust. The tooth, which is twice the size of a modern human molar, does not share the derived morphological features seen in Neanderthal or modern human teeth.

HUSK: We are Caucasian - from Caucasus!!!
Tarim mummies

Neanderthals vanished about 40,000 years ago, but the reasons for their demise remain shrouded in mystery and a source of debate among archaeologists. The timing coincides with the arrival of modern humans in Europe, which has led some researchers to surmise that interactions between the two groups both led to interbreeding and hastened Neanderthal extinction.

Ancient Girl's Parents Were Two Different Human Species
Born 90,000 years ago, the child is the first direct evidence of interbreeding among Neanderthals and their cousins the Denisovans.
Slon, a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, sampled the bone from another spot; she got the same result. So she did it again. After running tests on six samples in all, the results always came out the same: The bone had nearly equal amounts of DNA from a Neanderthal and a Denisovan.

The Book of Enoch says these Watchers brought with them all of their knowledge and taught men medicine, astronomy, astrology, science, and everything related. This included architecture and building. One example of their master workmanship would have been the Tower of Babel. One might include the pyramids, Stonehenge and various other mysteries found across the planet.

Proposed evidence for ancient astronauts includes the existence of ancient monuments and megalithic ruins such as the Giza pyramids of Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, or Baalbek in Lebanon, the Moai of Easter Island and Stonehenge of England.[73] Supporters say that these stone structures could not have been built with the technical abilities and tools of the people of the time and further argue that many could not be duplicated even today. They suggest that the large size of the building stones, the precision with which they were laid, and the distances many were transported leaves the question open as to who constructed these sites

Not ancient aliens from outer space but Denisovans from th mountaisn of Siberia!
You rmeber the tv-sries !Anciet Alien?Ancient Aliens is an American television series that premiered on April 20, 2010, on the History channel.[1] Produced by Prometheus Entertainment in a documentary style, the program presents hypotheses of ancient astronauts and proposes that historical texts, archaeology, and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact.[2][3] The show has been widely criticized by historians, cosmologists, archaeologists and other scientific circles for presenting and promoting pseudoscience, pseudohistory and pseudoarchaeology.

HUSK: Not aliens from outer space but giants from siberia!
Not able to lift stiene because they were so tall but becauye they were so sart!"
Shemsu Hor - the shining ones - white skin!

Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument | Ancient Code
There is something that tells us that the official chronology of human history is completely wrong. There are findings that indict there was another civilizations way before us on Earth, civilizations that had knowledge and technology far superior to what we have today, a sophisticated society that could answer the numerous enigmas surrounding our civilizations...

Historians and experts investigate various events, legends and texts throughout history that may contain evidence of contact between humans and extraterrestrial life.
Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?

Husk: De var allerde smartere på den tiden, men fortsatte det? Var Imhotep en Denisovan?
Er de ansvarliogfor utviklingen som føre til dundas?
Husk: Når de viser illustrasjon av neanderhal lagerde dem rart utseende ut - hva med å se moiderne u?

Skull eastern China
"Might be Denisovan"


Skull eastern China
"Might be Denisovan"
Since their discovery in 2010, the ex­tinct ice age humans called Deniso­vans have been known only from bits of DNA, taken from a sliver of bone in the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia. Now, two partial skulls from eastern China are emerging as prime candidates for showing what these shadowy people may have looked like.

In a paper published this week in Science, a Chinese-U.S. team presents 105,000- to 125,000-year-old fossils they call “archaic Homo.” They note that the bones could be a new type of human or an eastern variant of Neandertals. But although the team avoids the word, “everyone else would wonder whether these might be Denisovans,” which are close cousins to Neandertals, says paleo­anthropologist Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London.

Since their discovery in 2010, the ex­tinct ice age humans called Deniso­vans have been known only from bits of DNA, taken from a sliver of bone in the Denisova Cave in Siberia, Russia. Now, two partial skulls from eastern China are emerging as prime candidates for showing what these shadowy people may have looked like.

In a paper published this week in Science, a Chinese-U.S. team presents 105,000- to 125,000-year-old fossils they call “archaic Homo.” They note that the bones could be a new type of human or an eastern variant of Neandertals. But although the team avoids the word, “everyone else would wonder whether these might be Denisovans,” which are close cousins to Neandertals, says paleo­anthropologist Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London.


Denisova skulls China
"Remarkable" brain size

The partial skulls from China are between 105,000 and 125,000 years old and lack faces. But they show clear similarities to and differences from their Neanderthal contemporaries in the west.
One of the ancient Chinese skulls - Xuchang 1 - is at the high end of the scale. Prof Chris Stringer, from London's Natural History Museum, who was not involved with the study, said the individual had a "remarkable brain size, up there with the largest known Neanderthal and early modern examples".

Denisova girl - the way she might have looked.
Illustration of Denisova girl

Now, a new method has given the Denisovans a face. A recently developed way to glean clues about anatomy from ancient genomes enabled researchers to piece together a rough composite of a young girl who lived at Denisova Cave in Siberia in Russia 75,000 years ago. The results suggest a broad-faced species that would have looked distinct from both humans and Neanderthals.



Moden man and Cro-Magnon
Moden man and Cro-Magnon
Cro-Magnon painting
Cro-Magnon painting


Cro-Magnon painting
Cro-Magnon painting




Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known civilization, with a blue-eyed elite, ruled the northern coast of Peru. Its people were called the Moche. They built huge pyramids that still dominate the surrounding countryside; some well over a hundred feet tall. The Lord of Sipán tomb is held by some archaeologists to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries in this region of the world in the last 30 years, as the main tomb was found intact and untouched by thieves.

Sacsayhuaman wall
Sacsayhuaman wall

The quinametzin, the race of giants that inhabited Mexico
Chronicles of evangelizers in New Spain and New Spanish historians tell that in ancient times there were giants in what is now known as Mexico. They were called quinametzin, a term used in Mesoamerican mythology for people of great height.

Some stories describe the quinametzin as being 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighing about 650 pounds (almost 300 kilograms).
During the four previous eras or Suns, the Aztec believed there were four giants who supported the sky, Cuauhtemoc, Izcaqli, Izcoalt and Tenexuche. There were also four Giants assigned to this job in Norse mythology, while in Greek mythology it was only only Atlas that supported the sky on his shoulders.
Aztec legends make mention of other giants, who were believed to have founded all of the important cities of the Aztec Empire. For instance, the Giant Mixtecatl is considered the founder of the city of Mixtlan or Mixteca. The great city of Teotihuacan, also founded by giants according to myth, was built around 300 BC, roughly at the same time as the Pyramid of Choula. The city predates the Aztec Empire, but archaeologists are, however unable to say what civilization built Teotihuacan.

Historians believe that the so-called race of Giants the legends refer to as quinametzin were destroyed by a group of merchants from the coast, the Olmec-xicalanca, who arrived in Tlaxcala after 200 B.C. approximately. The Spanish historian Mariano Veytia wrote that when they occupied the banks of Atoyac, the Olmec-xicalancas found themselves surrounded by naked and disheveled giants that hunted birds and land animals and ate wild fruits and herbs. According to Veytia, the Olmec-xicalancas paid tribute to the quinametzin, until they were fed up and set up a trap to kill them. They prepared a banquet in their honor and waited for them to get drunk to kill them all. This event is supposed to have taken place sometime around 107 AD.


Australian Giants: Throughout the length and breadth of central and far western New South wales, Aboriginal traditions speak of the Bulloo, or 'giant men and women', who they claim were 3m tall beings who wandered the land eating giant marsupials and other Australian ice-age 'megafauna' which they killed with large stone clubs and other giant-size implements.

Further to the east, there dwelt the 'Jogungs' and 'Goolagahs', or 'giant hairy ones', tool making giant hominids sometimes confused with the Yowies, and who may, or may not have been related to the Bulloo.

'Bulloo' was yet another name for the giant tool-making hominids to the Aborigines of this region


The ancient Egyptians viewed their civilization as a legacy coming directly from divine beings who existed in Egypt thousands of years before the pharaonic dynasties that we know about. The papyrus of Turin (or more exactly the royal canon displayed at the museum of Egyptology of Turin), written in hieroglyphics and dating back to Ramses II, presents a list of all the pharaohs who reigned in the land of Egypt.
This list includes not only the historical pharaohs, but also the "divine pharaohs who came from elsewhere" who reigned before the first dynasty of Menes. We are also told that this preceding lineage reigned for 13,420 years!

?Freddy Silva? to MEGALITHOMANIA
thSp6 eonshahroresdfe ·
When stories overlap.
T he Egyptians place the home of the gods to the south, ostensibly in the Indian Ocean, an island of fire by the name Ta Neterw. These gods were called Aku Shemsu Hor — Shining Ones, Followers of Horus.

Meanwhile the Cook Islands traditions call it Te Petaka, a circular island that fell during the global flood, somewhere in the region now ocupied by Saudi Arabia, which they say rose above the ocean during the same event. Its residents were the Tuanake, also known in India and Mesopotamia as Anu-nagi, the People of the Serpent. They too were described as Shining Ones on account of the oil they applied to their skin; it was also a reflection of their advanced knowledge and position as sages.

Seems the ancient gods were far more interconnected than was previously imagined.

Full story and research is published here:


The Denisovans: Nabu - the babylonian god of wisdomWere they the gods of the ancient world?
They were not humans as us Homo sapiens but could the Denisova hominins have been the gods from legends and religious scriptures - even the Bible?

More and more researchers say that ancient human history is wrong. DNA-testing and resent archaeological findings are pointing to that we soon will have to rewrite the books. And it seems to me that the Denisovans will be the game changers.
    The gods from the ancient times were not living in a theological heaven but on Earth - among the people. They were like
teachers. They taught the people how to write, they showed them how to do farming and they even helped people in domestic disputes. There were many of them. In the Christian bible you will find more than 30 gods, and Hinduism has millions of gods and demigods! These gods looked like humans but most often they were described as very tall. Findings from a cave in Siberia shows that we have had another rase of human beings: Denisova hominins. They were very tall - and seemed to have had advanced technologies for the time.
Beautiful braclet
So let us start by taking a look at what we know about the Denisovans: It all started in when a tooth believed to be more that 50.000 years old was found in Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia in 2008. In the same layer the archaeologists also found a beautiful bracelet with a hole that had been made by high speed drilling. DNA-sequencing of the tooth showed that it did not belong to a modern human (homo sapiens sapiens), but to another species or sub-species of the genus homo. They archaeologists called them Denisovans (denisova hominins; homo denisova). The Denisovans are now extinct but the scientists now believe that they lived among and interbred with the ancestors of some modern humans. Yes, you will find three to five percent of Denisovan DNA in Australian aboriginals, and six percent in the Melanesians of Papua New Guinea.
Click on the pictures
for more information
Denisova cave
Denisova cave
Denisova jaw from Taiwan
Denisova jaw, Taiwan
Denisova jaw from Tibet
Denisova jaw from Tibet
Denisova bracelet
Denisova bracelet
Denisova tiara
Denisova tiara
Denisova needle
Denisova needle
Denisova beads
Denisova beads
Denisova pensil
Denisova stone-pensil
Horserider Altai Mountains
Horserider Altai Mountains
Ra 2 crossing the Atlantic
Ra 2 crossing the Atlantic
Lucy - very small skull
Lucy - very small skull
Early modern man
Early modern man
Morocco jaw - oldest?
El, the tall leader of the Elohim
El, tall leader of the gods
Gabriel - a fallen angel?
Gabriel - a fallen angel?
Agni - hindu god
Agni - hindu semi-god
Lord Siva with blue eyes
Lord Siva with blue eyes
Enki creates humans
Enki creates humans
Babylonian god in shi
Ziusudra in his ship - tall
Human headed bull
Human headed bull
Babylonian god
Babylonian god - tall
Marduk - tall king/god
Marduk - tall king/god
Gods and kings, Egypt
Gods and kings, Egypt
Great Pyramid - not tomb!
Great Pyramid - no tomb!
Serapeum of Saqqara
Serapeum of Saqqara
Daughter of Akhenaten
Daughter of Akhenaten
Skull of Akhenaten

Skull of Akhenaten



Thor - from the film
Thor - from the film
Thor Heyerdahl
Thor Heyerdahl
Rollo the Walker
Rollo the Walker
Waiting for Lono to return
Waiting for Lono to return
Maori does Haka

Maori does Haka

Quetzalcoatl Aztec statue
Quetzalcoatl - Aztec statue
Viking ship

Viking ship

Viracocha in Kon-Tiki sail
Viracocha in Kon-Tiki sail
The Kon-Tiki raft
Statue of Bochia
Pacal Votan
Pacal Votan
Pacal Votan in a rocket?
Pacal Votan in a rocket?
Elongated skull Peru
Elongated skull Peru
Elongated skull Equador
Elongated skull Ecuador
Giant kings of South America
Tall king of South America
The ruins of Pumapunku
Pumapunka ruins
Tall indian chief
Tall indian chief
Hopi indian statue
Hopi-indian doll/statue
Kachina dancers - white facesand red hair
Kachina dancers - white?
Terje in his yatch Coco Loco
Terje in his yatch
Queen Salote of Tonga - tall
Queen Salote - tall
Of royal family in Fiji
Of royal family in Fiji
Red haired sdtatues of Easter Island
Statues of Easter Island
Urfa man, TurkeyMoai, Ester Island
Turkey and Easter Island
Thor Heyerdahl on Easter Island
Thor Heyerdahl
Footprints of giants, Tuvalu
Footprints of giants, Tuvalu
Giant's grave inTuvalu
Giant's grave in Tuvalu
Baalbek wall
Baalbek wall
The heaviest stone and the stone of the pregnant woman
Giant stones of Baalbek
Pyramids Egypt
Pyramids Egypt
Pyramid of the sun
Pyramid of the sun
Great Pyramid of Cholula
Great Pyramid of Cholula
Pyramid, Bosnia
Pyramid Bosnia
Pyramids, Kola, Russia
Pyramids, Russia
Gunung Pedang
Gunung Padang, Indonesia
Wall i n Peru
Wall in Peru
A pover plant - with oblisk?
A pover plant - with oblisk?
Gornaya Shoria wall, Siberia
Gornaya Shoria, Siberia
Wall on Easter Island
Wall on Easter Island
Moai, Ester Island
Gray all the way!
Moai kavakava
Moai kavakava
Dolmen Siberia
Restored dolmen Siberia
Marchu Picchu
Marchu Picchu
Stone in Cusco wall
Stone in Cusco wall
Casting stones Great Pyramid
Casting Great Pyramid
Vitrified stone Peru
Vitrified stone, Peru
Denisovan allele - so far!
Denisovan alllele
Was God a Denisovan giant?
God - a Denisovan?
Chimp and human brain
Chimp and human brain
Modern, Neanderthal
Modern, Neanderthal
and Denisovan skulls
Pain giving birth
Pain giving birth
The tooth and other specimens found in the Denisova cave show that the Denisovans must have been very tall. Some believe that they might have been related to the Homo heidelbergensis found in South Africa that were regularly over 2.13 meters (7 feet) in height.     
     Later findings of teeth in the cave, like one extremely large and much older than 50.000 years suggests that the Denisovans might have been present in the area at least twice over an extended period - or might have visited the area from neighbouring regions.
   A large and ancient jawbone was quite recently dredged by fishermen in the Penghu Channel, 25 kilometres off the coast of Taiwan. It is believed to have been a Denisova jaw because of the size and large teeth - but unfortunately no DNA could be extracted. The bone is believed to be around 200.000 years old!
   And, also recently, what is believed to be a Denisovan jawbone was discovered on a Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of more that 3.000 meters. This is dated to be more than 160.000 years old! Also here no DNA could be extracted but through the analysis of proteins the scientists suggest this must have been a Denisovan hominis.
Fine jewellery
Findings in the cave tell that the Denisovans made fine jewellery. Not only the bracelet was found but also a tiara and a ring made of ivory! Plus beads of ostrich shells less that one centimetre in diameter with a hole slightly wider that a millimetre! The ostrich at that time lived more than thousand kilometres away from the Denisova cave, and also in Africa! Yes, simular beads have been found in a cave in South Africa, and they are dated to be at least 44.000 years old (and world famous professor Lee Berger says that that there is no doubt what we can call giants once existed in South Africa - see my article here)! Also a seven centimetre polished needle that has an eyehole at one end for tread was found in the Denisova cave. And a kind of stone "pensil" with sign uf usage, might be by marking a marble pebble that had traces of ochre. Plus a bone-whistle that might have been part of a larger flute!
   And it does not stop with jewellery, needles, pensils and musical instruments: The archaeologists did in 2009 find DNA of a horse, in the same layer as the other artefacts in the Denisova cave. It is called a Ovodov horse and was earlier believed to have died out 400.000 years ago. But new findings show that the horse was alive more recently. Did the Denisovans ride on horses when they went hunting?
Travelled the world
The Denisovans did not only make fine jewellery and make music: They must also have travelled the world! As mentioned earlier: The scientists have found Denisovan DNA in the melanesian people of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands in the Pacific. Also the native American Indians have traces of Denisovan DNA. You will find the DNA in Mexico and there is an area with plenty Denisovan DNA in Brazil. Yes, as we have seen: Their DNA even got as far as Australia!
   So how did they get there? Well, my Norwegian countryman Thor Heyerdahl said that the oceans were not barriers but roads. And he proved it by crossing the oceans in so called primitive vessels used in older times. First with the balsa raft Kon-Tiki across the Pacific Ocean and later across the Atlantic Ocean with the reed boats Ra 1 and Ra 2. His papyrus reed boats were built almost exactly as depicted in the ancient pyramids of Egypt!     
     Can it even be that the Denisovans were the architects behind the ancient megalithic structures like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Sacsayhuaman wall in Peru, the T-shaped pillars of Göbekli Tepe - even Stonehenge in England?
Us humans
So what about us humans? Well, according to Wikipedia: "Homo sapiens is the only extant human species. The name is Latin for "wise man"." The first emergence of Homo sapiens was supposed to be roughly 300,000 years ago and the emergence of full behavioral modernity roughly 50,000 years ago.
    For many years we learned that Lucy was the first step in the evolution from being an ape to becoming a human; that she was the first early human ancestor. Lucy was 1.1 m (3 ft 7 in) tall and weighed 29 kg (64 lb). She had a small brain (about 375 to 500 cc), but the pelvis and leg bones were almost identical in function to those of modern humans, so was believed that she could walk upright. Lucy was discovered in 1974 in Africa, so it was the accepted theory that modern human had come from Africa.
    Well, Lucy is not longer classified as a Home sapiens but as the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. And many scientists now believe that the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens, anatomical modern human, took place both in Africa and in Eurasia between 100.000 and 30.000 years ago. But the latest findings - a jawbone in Morocco - asks if it is possible if the Homo sapiens lineage became distinct as early as 350.000 years ago!
     So what did our ancestors do 30.000 years ago? Did they make beautiful bracelets? Did they sail to America? Did our first ancestors ride on horses? And what about 100.000 years ago - or even earlier? No - the only tools they had were primitive clubs and stones. They did definitely not make ocean-going boats and travelled the world!
     So what happened in the very ancient past? Was Homo sapiens not the superior being on planet Earth - the "wise man"?
Daughters of men
In the Christian bible we can reead the following (Genesis 6-1): "When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose."
    Well, the word used in the original bible-scriptures was of course not the English word "God" but the Hebrew word "Elohim" - and "Elohim" is the plural form of the word "El". So the "God" of Genesis was one of many gods; you will find 34 of them in the bible! The re-interpretation took place in the 7th to 6th century BC during the so called "one-god" ideology; the gods became to one God.

    The offspring of the sons of God/gods and the daughters of men was in the Hebrew bible called Nephilim (Genesis 6-4).
"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown."
   The last sentence has caused much debate: Who were the heroes of old? Were they the sons of the gods - or were they the offspring of the sons of the gods and women on Earth? And who were these Nephilim? Some has rendered the word Nephilim to mean "giants", others to "fallen angels" and some even that the word describes aliens from outer space.
Hinduism - the oldest religion
The Christian religion is far from the oldest religion in the world. Hinduism is believed to be the oldest - it is estimated to have been started between 2300 and 1500 BC in the Indus Valley, in what today is Pakistan and northwest India.
    Hinduism is said to have had more than 30 million gods and demigods. How can that be? Well it is sometimes explained like this: "Krishna, the supreme being, has put into place individuals that oversee different parts of the material universe. These individuals are powerful beings that have been appointed by Krishna and have been bestowed with the necessary powers and abilities to manage and govern their area of creation. They can be referred to as demigods."
    Some say that these gods and demigods were "sages" or spiritual leaders. One of the demigods was Agni, who carried messages between humans and the gods through fire sacrifices.
    The gods in Hinduism were not so deferent from the people they ruled - they often lived among them and behaved more or less like them. But were taller and had more knowledge. It is believed that the god that was called Lord Shiva was more than 7 feet tall (2 meters) - very tall for his time! And had blue eyes.
    In some of the stories the demigods went to war against the gods, who lived in the Himalayas.
Sumerian gods
The Sumerian civilisation of ancient Mesopotamia, from approximately 4500 to. 1900 BC, was one of the oldest in the world. The area where they lived was what today is southern Irak.
     As we find it in the Christian bible, the Sumerian legends tell of a flood where the ancient gods wanted to eradicate the human race they had created. According to their king-list this deluge took place about 30.000 BC.
After the deluge the gods once more descended from heaven (mountains?) and ruled the area. Later their sons and then the sons they got with the human females ruled.      
     The ancient Sumerian dynasties had an advanced technology. They built pyramidal buildings of stone (ziggurats) and statues of their half-god kings - often with inlaid blue eyes. They also had their own form of sphinx'es - of the largest were two 20-foot-tall (6 meters) statues of human-headed bulls.
Babylonian period
After the Sumerian period the Babylonian period followed -with the their culture overtaking about 1700BC.     
     Under King Hammurabi (1792-1750BC) male deities were often elevated on expense of the older gods. These gods were looking like ordinary humans but they were tall and had European features. They often married female humans and there were a multitude of semigods - the most famous were Marduk and Gilgamesh.     
    Gilgamesh successfully revolted against the overlord King Agga - and made the wall around the city of Uruk. Depictions and statues of him show that he was very tall.
    Tall was also Marduk, who became the king of the Babylonian gods. He preceded over compassion, justice, healing, regeneration and magic.
The pharaoes of Egypt
Egypt had more than 2000 deities/gods in ancient times. Ra was the sun god, and often considered the most important god (it might be noticed that the old Polynesian world for sun also is "ra", today often spelled "la"). Another important god was Thoth - the god of knowledge. He was believed to have invented language and the Egyptian hieroglyphics. He was also an adviser for the gods. The pharaohs of Egypt was considered "a god on earth"; often to have descended from the gods. Many of the Egyptian pharaohs were depicted as very tall, much taller than ordinary people.
    You might remember the TV-program where they tested the DNA of Tutankhamun and found that he had haplogroup R1b1a2, which is rare in Egypt but common in western Europeans. Resent testing of another mummy shows the same: It belonged to European haplogroup (on the mother side). I have recently asked one of the DNA-researchers by email if they have found the same from other mummies but no reply. Well, I have been told by a Norwegian archaeologist that my research on ancient humans can be dangerous - without wanting to tell me why.
    A interesting question is also how they ancients managed to make the Great Pyramid of Egypt and many of the items found: They seem to have been made with a technology we do not have to day - we will not be able to replicate them. We are always told that the pyramids were tombs for the pharaohs but not mummy has ever been found inside one.
    Yes, another question is how they managed to get the large granite coffer into the so called Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid - it is too large to get through any of the channels leading to chamber! Take also a look at the large black boxes of granite buried in a hillside cave system about 12 miles south of the Great Pyramid. How did they manage to move these Serapeum of Saqqara? How did they manage to get the enormous lid placed on top of the box? Who made them? How? And why?
    Well, the ancient Egyptians themselves claimed that divine beings existed in Egypt thousands of years before the pharaohic dynasties. They were known as Shemsu Hor ("The followers of the god Horus") - and they were the tall and fair-complexioned rulers who gave the people the knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, and architecture.
    In 820AD the sultan El-Rashid Al-Ma’mun was told that the Great Pyramid was bulit by superhuman giants called Sheddai. Another ancient legend tells that the ruling elite of prehistoric Khemit-civilization were super-humans, some with elongated skulls, some described as giants. And yet another legend recounts that the pyramid was built by a race of giants.
Greek mythology
The Greek mythology might have evolved from stories of the island of Crete. The Ideon cave on the mountain of Ida in central Crete was said to be the birthplace of Zeus, who later ruled as king of the gods of Mount Olympus.
    The earliest versions of the Greek myths might date back to about 3000BC, but they only appear in written form by the Greek poets Homer and Hesiod - who both were writing in the period about 750 to 650 BC.
    The Titans was a race of giants that had incredible strength and knowledge: They were the children of the primordial deities and lived upon a mountain; Mount Othrys in the Greek mainland. They were often called Elder Gods and preceded the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus, the tallest mountain in Greek.
    For about ten years the Titans were fighting several wars against the Olympian gods. The last ended in victory for the Olympian gods. In one of the wars the titan Prometheus stole the fire from the Olympian gods - an act that some say might have started civilization as we know it.
    A seduction of a mortal woman by a male god resulted in a heroic offspring.
The Norse gods
The principal gods of the Norse mythology are called Aesir, and the chief was Odin. He is also called Wodan and Wotan - and Wednesday is named after him.
    There were beautiful giantesses living in Jotunheim ("the home of giants"), and Odin often travelled there - and the result was that he had several children with them. The most famous was Thor. He is usually portrayed as a large, powerful man with red beard. Lightning flashed and thunder roared when he used his hammer Mjollnir. Thursday is named after him.
    Odin and his brothers Vili and Vé found two trees on the beach - and from the wood they created the first man and woman. So we humans are in a way Odin's children and he should also have given us the knowledge of writing.
    The Aesir were always fighting the second clan of gods, the Vanir. According to the myths the last battle will be Ragnarök, were many of the gods will be killed and it will result in natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water.
    The Norwegian scientist and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl of the Kon-Tiki fame believed that a chief that had to flee to Norway from the area of the Black Sea/Caucasus Mountains because the roman expansion took the name "Odin" to impress the people. And that this Odin became the ancestor of the Norwegian royal dynasty. Odin is often portrayed as a very tall, one-eyed man with a long beard.
     It is said that DNA of a young woman found in the well-preserved Oseberg viking ship from a burial mound in Norway shows she had come from the area around the Black Sea.
     Another viking of royal blood was Rollo ("Rolf the Walker") - he should have been so tall that no horse could carry him. Rollo is the great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror; William I of England. A historical fact is that Rollo and his army of vikings besieged Paris in 885-886. Did Rollo also sail all the way to Hawaii? Well, even today some Hawaiians celebrate the god Lono that came sailing from across the sea. He looked like a human and introduced games and annual taxing - and promised to return when he left again. The letters R and L are often interchangeable in Polynesian and the same goes for N and L - so Rollo can easily become Lono!
    An interesting question is if the Norwegian vikings sailed as far New Zealand. There are legends telling that white people came to the country before the maori living there today. Yes, the maori themselves tell of tall people with light skin, blond hair and blue eyes that was there before them. They call them 'tangata whenua' - "the people of the land".
    The ancient maori myths tells of gods that had children with ordinary women - and Maui is most famous demigod.
Gods of Central America
One of the Aztec gods of Central America was Quetzalcoatl. He should have white skin, red beard and blue eyes. Quetzalcoatl should have given the people the tools of civilization, such as language and fire - and taught them astronomy and calendar making. He should have emerged from the ocean, and disappeared in it afterwards.
    The name translates roughly to "feathered serpent". Quetzalcoatl is considered to be the equivalent of the gods Kukulkan and Gukumatz - from different areas.
    Some say that the name was inspired from the feathers on the Spanish soldiers' helmets. But what about the serpent form of Vikings ships - or might be white skinned visitors from an even earlier time in history?
Another Spanish conqueror, Francisco de Orellana, also wrote about white gods of Peru: The Chachapoya - "The Cloud People". He stated that the Cloud People were much taller than the Spaniards, and had extremely light skin and blonde hair - and that they must be of European ancestry (and not Mediterranean or Spaniards).
South America - Gods and long headed skulls
The major ancient god of Peru in South America is Viracocha. Alternative spelling and names are Wiracocha, Wiraqoca, Apu Qun Tiqsi Wiraqutra, Huiracocha, Wiro Qocha and Con-Tici (the last also spelled Kon-Tiki, the source of the name of Heyerdahl's raft). The name "Viracocha" means "Sea Foam".
     Viracocha created the world and was also travelling the Earth with his two sons doing "great deads". They also taught the tribes what kind of trees, flowers and fruits that were edible, which had medicinal properties, and which were poisonous.
     He should according to the legends have created a flood that destroyed the people, but he saved two so that humanity could start over again - in a better way.
    In some legends Viracocha should have travelled with seven "Shining Ones" (the Shining Ones appear in many myths and they are usually described as tall ethereal beings).
    When the conquistador Francisco Pizarro and his men encountered the Incas they were greeted as gods. The called the Spaniards for "Viracochas", because their lighter skin resembled their god. Other Spanish chronicles have simular accounts - they describe Viracocha as a "white god" (often with a beard).
    The travelling of Virachocha and his sages/sons ended when they reached Cusco on the coast of Peru - they walked across the water until they disappeared (thus the name "Sea Foam").
   Viracocha is sometimes being identified as Thoth - the Egyptian god of Secret Knowledge.
   There is another legend about a god that came from someplaced else and helped the natives: The legend of Bochia. Bochia came riding to the country on an unknown animal. He taught moral values and religious traditions. Baochia had white skin, white hair and a long white beard. Legends of Bochica are still alive among the Colombian Indians. Some believe that Bochia and Quetzalcoatl was the same individual.
   Pacal Votan was the ruler-king from 603-683 BC of Palenque in Mexico. He should have been the man behind the monuments and temples with very precise astronomical and astrological information. He should have travelled to the Middle East four times, and some say that he was born in Cuba to Phoenican parents. Many ask if he is depected in a spacecraft on the lid of his sarcophagus.
    In 1928 a graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with elongated skulls was found in the city of Paracas on Peru's west coast. There were more than 300 elongated skulls, and some of them were dated back around 3.000 years. In 2014 a geneticist carried out DNA testing and reported that they had mitochondrial DNA "with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far". A new round of testing has been completed and not only do they date back as far as 2,000 years, but were shown to have European and Middle Eastern origin!
    Paracas on Peru's coast is also known for something else than unusual skulls: The Paracas Candelabra - a huge prehistoric geoglyph etched into a hillside.
    In southern Peru you will find the The Nazca Lines: Covering an area of nearly 1,000 square kilometres is a group of pre-Columbian geoglyphs etched into desert sands. A controversy is that the figures are most visible from the air - so some ask if they were made by/for aliens.
    Lake Titicaca on the border of Peru and Bolivia is 3,811 m (12,500 ft) above sea level, and there is evidence that it was once a saltwater sea. Its shoreline is littered with millions of fossilized seashells, and the marine fishes and seahorses in the lake are oceanic types. Some researchers believe that the ruins of what have been gigantic stone wharfs once lay at sea level, and that a enormous catastrophe once folded the land up to make the Andes mountains. Pumapunku is part of a large temple complex near Tiwanaku in Bolivia. The ruins so impressed the Inca that they believed it was the place where the gods created the world.
    Denisova DNA shall also have been found among some tribes of the Amazon.
North America
The indigenous people of the United States is commonly known as American Indians or Red Indians. The term "Indian" originates from Christopher Columbus, who thought that he has landed in the East Indies after crossing the Atlantic ocean in 1492.
   It is believed that a land bridge connected Siberia to Alaska during the ice age. At least three waves of migrants shall have arrived from Asia, and these migrations might have started as early as 30.000 years ago.
    These early migrants were called Paleoamericans, and they soon spread southwards and were divided in many hundred tribes. All the tribes had their local believes but their gods/deities were often connected to nature.
    Some of the tribes also had legends of gods that ruled form a land that was called Akakor: "They ruled over men and earth with ships faster than birds' flight, ships that reached their goal without sails or oars and by night as well as by day. They had magic stones to look into the distance so that they could see cities, rivers, hills and lakes. Whatever happened on earth or in the sky was reflected in the stones. They had great knowledge and could suspend the heaviest stones, fling lightning or melt rocks."
    The legend tells that prior to a cataclysm, these ancient gods had left earth for safer places.
    Sarah Winnemucca writes in her book of 1883, "Life Among the Piutes", that her grandfather was the chief of the Paiute Indians. When they were camped near Humboldt Lake in Nevada they saw a party of white settlers coming eastward from California. When the grandfather was told that they had hair on their faces and were white he had jumped up, clasped his hands together and cried aloud: "My white brothers…my long-looked for white brothers have come at last!".
    Well, more tests are needed to be done, but it now seems that the frequency of Denisova DNA is the highest among American Indians followed by Europeans.
    One of the most interesting tribes is the Hopi. They today mostly live in the Hopi Reservation in Arizona, but they claim that they did not come to America by crossing the Bering Strait but that they that had moved up from South America - and that they before that originally had come from a continent that had sunk in the sea: Kásskara. They had been helped to cross the Pacific Ocean by human looking beings they called Kachinas. Easter Island is the only remaining island where they had stopped on their way. One of the kachinas was a giant ogre called Chaveyo. The Hopi Indians say that the kachinas acted as a link between the gods and the mortals. Some statues of kachinas have beards of red-dyed horse hair.

The Pacific Islands
The people of all the Pacific islands are today Christian and the ancient believes are gone or suppressed. But when I sailed my yacht Coco Loco from island to island I often talked to the old men, and I shared Norwegian myths with the legends they had told from father to son over generations.
     I was at that time not particularly interested in ancient human history but wrote down many of the legends they told me. Unfortunately all my notes were lost when a cyclone blew down our house in Tuvalu where I married and settled down some years later. Well, I read a lot about local gods, kings and giants in the fantastic library at University of South Pacific in Fiji. I thought that is was quite interesting that the royal family of Tonga was so tall. And learned that the kings of Tonga should be descended from white, tall gods who had visited the islands long time ago - and that the king had to marry within the royal family to keep the blood after the gods. Tonga also has a cemetery for the royals that look like a step-pyramid.
    They do not have monarchy in Fiji any longer but I saw pictures of the royal family of Bau - and they were very tall. Denisova DNA? Nobody has tested.
    The Melanesians of Papua New Guinea have a comparable high rate of Denisova DNA of 3% to 5% - while modern Europeans and Asians have a rate of 1% to 3%.
    We do not know much about the Polynesians in the small island countries spread out over the vast Pacific ocean. But I have read that chunks of Denisovan DNA also should have been found in Polynesians and also Australian aborigines. I have sent e-mail to the researchers to get this confirmed - and asked if they can tell me in what Polynesian country/countries they did find Denisova DNA. But so far no reply.
     My interest for ancient history and the Pacific started when I wrote an article about the stone statutes of Easter Island. Today the archaeologists say that the statues represent the forefathers of the local people of the island - but when Thor Heyerdahl excavated statues on the island in 1955 he was told that they were images of the ancient gods that had visited the island: Red haired, bearded and tall human looking gods. One very interesting question is: What did they hold in their hands? Could it be an instrument that managed to get huge stones statues "walk" to their positions around the hilly island - as a legend says? Did these gods have an advanced technology that made it easy to cut and move stones?
    Heyerdahl is most famous for his sailing with the Kon-Tiki raft (and later Ra 1 and Ra 2) - and considered an adventurer. But Thor Heyerdahl was as researcher trying to find the origin of civilisation. In his book "The Bearded Gods Speak" (1971) he is writing about the tall, white people that seems to have visited so many countries - and were called gods. Heyerdahl always said that the oceans were roads and not barriers - and proved that though his sailing on balsa raft and reed boats made in ancient style (Heyerdahl was afraid of the sea and could not swim). He also said: "To say something about our future we must know the past". He believed that humanity had gone though many periods where we had extinguished ourselves to almost the last man - and he asked me on the phone if we might be in the process of doing the same mistake again through our use of fossil fuels like oil and coal. He saw climate change wherever he travelled - and he travelled the world almost non-stop until he passed away in 2002.
    Well, you will find ancient stone statues on many of the Pacific islands and if you read the local legends you will find that they were said to depict the gods that came - and left. Some married the local women and usually the families of the chiefs are from their descendants.
    In the South Pacific country of Tuvalu, where I married and lived on the atoll of Nukulaelae, people are not keen on talking about the ancient history and ancient gods. They give all their money to the church - and are obliged to say that there only is one God. But an old man in my wife's family once told me the legend about the tall, white giant that once had lived on Nukulaelae and also about other giants that visited the islands of Tuvalu. He showed me the footprints after the giant in the lagoon.
     Then it happened that two Japanese archaeologists came to our island. My father-in-law, who used to be the chief, told them the old story about a giant called Te Valu that had lived on Nukulaelae. We all went to find the grave of this giant that two youth should have killed by throwing their fishing spears in his eyes while he was sleeping. We found the grave in the bush on a uninhabited islet on the atoll's coral reef. It was large, about three and a half meter long and one and a half meter wide (11x5 feet). The Japanese wanted to open the grave to examine the bones of the giant but suddenly they where told/ordered not to dig: It could be dangerous! Well, we had a unusually big storm the same night and the people claimed that happened because we had tried to disturb Te Valu's grave...
Megalithic structures
So many places in the world we find ancient megalithic structures. And the legends so often that they have been made by white gods: Gods that also were what we can call giants. They looked by ordinary people but they were taller. Very often they had reddish or blond hair and blue eyes.
    Often the megalithic walls and buildings are made by very large stones and most people ask: - How did they manage to cut, move and place the heavy stones?
    Sometimes the archaeologists say that the kings or pharaohs had so many people and so much time that they could manage to make these megalith structures - even with primitive tools. Well, can somebody explain how they managed to cut basalt and granite with copper tools? And how they managed to move the gigantic stones of Baalbek - at least two of them weighing more than 1000 tons!?
    More questions...and answers? Well, the Great Pyramid in Egypt was long said to be the tallest man-made structure in the world with an original height of 146.5 meters (481 feet). I am not sure if we would manage to replicate it today - even with the help of the tallest cranes in the world. The Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is "only" 65.5 meters (216 feet) tall but it was said to be the world's third tallest structure. Well, when it comes to the Pyramid of the Sun and the impressive pyramidal complex around it: The legends say that giant gods of another age (another "sun") were the responsible.
     The largest pyramid of the world - that we have found so far - is the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico. It was for ages believed to be just a hill, but today we know that it made by hand (thus the local name "made-by-hand-mountain").
     Well, there are also other structures that long was believed to be just hills and mountains but that the researchers now start to understand in fact are man made. Like the newly (2019) discovered pyramids (and walls) of Siberia in Russia . And the so often debated pyramids of the Bosnia - the tallest also called Pyramid of the Sun (about one third larger than the Great Pyramid of Egypt).
    You can also add Gunung Padang in Indonesia. It might be classified as the oldest pyramid in the world after researchers found layered foundations dating at least 10.000 years back (some say more than 25.000 years). It was earlier believed to just be a hill on top of Mount Padang in West Java.
    And I feel we will find more and more pyramidal structures (and other megalitic structures) all over the world with the new Lidar remote sensing technology used from drones and planes.
Why pyramids and other megalithic structures?
As earlier mentioned - the Great Pyramid of Egypt is said to have be the tomb for the pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) but it would be impossible to transport a pharaoh's coffin through the narrow tunnel leading in the so called Kings chamber!
    Some say that the Great Pyramid was a power plant. The pyramid was once covered with white, highly polished limestone, and dolomite was used on the inner surfaces. Dolomite can increase electrical conductivity. The passageways and underground tunnels were lined with granite - which is lightly radioactive and a conductor of piezo electricity. The underground tunnels with running water could have moved the pyramid slightly and created electricity.
    It is said that Imhotep was the man behind the first pyramids of Egypt. He was not a pharaoh but an architect and healer with impressive knowledge. Legends say that he came from someplace else and a statue of him is showing that he had a very long skull. He was later in life worshipped as a god but might be he was the Tesla of his time - and a descendant of a Denisovan hybrid?
    There are so many ancient megalithic structures all over the world - like walls of stone. Often the traditional archaeologists say they have been forts but they are often too away from neighbouring countries or local enemies to have been forts. Very often they were not suitable as forts either - mostly they are just quite short walls, easy to get around. But the stones were so often so large that it is a big question how they were cut and moved - we would have trouble moving some of the stones today with the larges cranes available! Move them on rollers or get them aboard boats? Forget it!
    The same goes for many of the megalithic statues - like the ones on Easter Island. Some managed a few years ago to move a copy of a very small statue a few meters on rollers - but to the other side of the island across rough terrain? Others managed to move statue standing upright by using ropes and rocking it from side to side (a legend says that the statues walked) but no marks have been found on the "feet" on a real statue after such rock and roll! The statues are today said to depict local chiefs but the locals themselves deny this, they say that the statues were of the gods that visited the island one time in the past. They were very tall and had red hair. The statues hold something in their hands - on the stomach under the naval. Might be the tool that these clever visitors used to cut and move stones?
    Most archaeologists say that dust, sand and decaying vegetation has buried the statues over time but take a closer look at the tall statue that Heyerdahl excavated. It should have been gradient lighter from the surface to the bottom - not uniform light grey! The statue must have been buried! Interesting are also the so called "moai kavakava" ("statue with ribs"). Do these Middle East looking statues depict the crew members of the visiting giants' ship? Were they so skinny because they were running out of food during the long sea voyage?
Many hundred dolmen
There are so many ancient megalithic structures all over the world.  Take a look at the many hundred dolmens of the Caucasus Mountains of Russia. How and why did they make them? A museum dismantled a dolmen to move it to the museum grounds it but they did not have much success when they tried to put the stones together again - it ended up looking more or less like a mess! And why do the dolmens most often have such a small and round hole in the front? Doors? Normal size people can squeeze in but the openings are definitely too small for a giant - god or not! Is that the reason? Were they used as a shelter from the giants?
Very often the ancient megaliths can be found high up in mountains. Why is that? Well, we know that the Denisovans lived in the Altai Mountains - might be their genes/DNA were best fit for living at hight altitudes?
    Why would the ancients, whoever they were, go to the efforts of making these megalithic structures? Well, we have seen that The Great Pyramid might be have been a power plant, even if the current explanation is that it was a tomb where the dead pharaoh's body should be placed so he could get to the afterlife.
    Another explanation could be that they should function as a kind of life-rafts. Not to go to heaven after death but to physically survive in a catastrophe like a flood. Is that why many of the megalithic walls are made with stones fitted so tight that not even a knife could be pushed between them? There are often groves along the edges of the front of the stones. Were they to hold a kind of putty, now disappeared, to make the walls watertight? Very often the stones are shaped so that they would interlock. Was the reason that the walls also should be so solid that they could withstand an earthquake? Did the ancients, through their sages like Imoteph, know - or fear - that catastrophes were about to hit? The efforts that it took to make many of the megalithic structures tell that they must have been very important - in a time where people should be most concerned of how they should get food for their next meal.
Who knew?
So who knew how to make these megaliths that we in many cases will struggle to make today with our modern tools and machines? Well, we are back to were we started - with the Denisovans. They seemed to have travelled all over the world - bringing their knowledge with them. Yes, you can ask if they were the ones who started what we call civilisation. Not us Homo sapiens.
     Of course these tall visitors with such an enormous knowledge would have been tremendously respected, might be even feared, wherever they came. They gave the people a new way of life, what seemed to be a more easy way of life. And when they disappeared the people were praying that they should come back and help them again. The Denisovans became what we call gods.
Denisovan females
Research from the Denisova cave seems to tell that the Denisovans got children with the Neanderthals and also with Homo Sapiens. Or could it be that the result of sex between Denisovan males and Neanderthal females became us humans?
Like it is told in the Christian Bible: "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (or correct: The sons of the Gods - in plural). But why did the Denisovan men not marry Denisovan females? Were they not beautiful? Well, we have hundreds of legends of giants that seemed to have roamed the world - but they were all male!
    Might be the Denisovans travelled all over the world looking for female Denisovans? And could not find any? Might be their urges became too much? The human females must have been terrified of these giants that would have been almost twice as tall as themselves. And you can of course ask if it must have been painful for the ladies. Is the crossing of Denisovans with Homo sapiens the reason that human females have such pain giving birth even today? Are the heads of the mix between Denisovans and Neanderthal/Homo sapiens too big for the female birth canal? It can take more than 24 hours for a woman to give birth while most animals go through labour in an hour or so - also monkeys. If you compare the Denisovan brain with a modern human brain you will see that the Denisovan brain is much larger. Are our brains too big - are our heads bigger than nature meant them to be??

Kings and chiefs
So if the Denisovans got children with the local people in ancient times - what happened to their descendants - the first generations of hybrids? Well, I have explained about the royals of Tonga, and the same seems to be in other Pacific countries - and also in Central and South America: The kings and chiefs are descendants after the visiting giants - human looking giants that were called gods. Even today with democracy and parliamentary voting everywhere; the persons of chiefly or royal family will most often be first in line when it comes to governmental elections. And you guessed it: Yes, the persons of the chiefly/royal families are often very tall!

Extinct species
So what happened to the Denisovans - did they all die out or intermarry with human ladies? Well, we might all have some Denisovan DNA but even if you can find very tall people close the Denisovans area of the Altai Mountains (like Tibet) there seems to be no pure Denisovans left - the Denisova hominins is an extinct species.
    Did they search the world in wain for female Denisovans? Or could it be that it was the climate change with return to glacial conditions during the Younger Dryas (around 12.900 to 11.700 BC) - that made them die out as a race? Well, the Denisovans should be used to cold climate - coming originally from the mountains (and they have a gene involved in adaptation to low oxygen)!
     Some researchers today believe that we also had a gigantic world wide catastrophe in the distant past caused by large meteorites. Most of them should have landed in the ocean and causing gigantic waves that rushed around the globe washing almost everything to the sea. Yes, these waves might of course also be one reason that so many megalithic structures are found at higher altitudes! Or could it be that the Denisovan technologies caused problems for themselves - the same way that our use of fossil fuels seems to be creating problems for us humans today?
    An ancient legend tells that there is a "Library of Knowledge" - with all essential knowledge of astronomy, alchemy, mathematic, medicine and magic - buried between the paws of the Sphinx of Egypt. Might be we should start digging and find the answers - before it is too late?

© Terje Dahl

Do you have any ideas, thoughts and/or facts on this article? Please send an email to terje@sydhav.no

White Amazonian Indians or White Indians is a term first applied to sightings or encounters with mysterious white skinned natives of the Amazon Rainforest from the 16th century by Spanish missionaries

In Greek mythology the Hyperboreans (Ancient Greek: ?pe?ß??e(?)??, pronounced [hyperbóre(?)?i?]; Latin: Hyperborei) were a race of giants who lived "beyond the North Wind". The Greeks thought that Boreas, the god of the North Wind (one of the Anemoi, or "Winds") lived in Thrace, and therefore Hyperborea indicates that it is a region beyond Thrace. This land was supposed to be perfect, with the sun shining twenty-four hours a day, which to modern ears suggests a possible location within the Arctic Circle during the midnight sun-time of year.
Herodotus assumed that Hyperborea lay somewhere in Northeast Asia.


Come on, folks!

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