I am trying to figure out if the giants used the Shamir.

DemigodWere the "handbags" the mysterious tool the ancient Shamir?
Many places in the world you can find ancient illustrations of something that often are said to be a handbag held by gods or demigods. Was it a bag? Or can it be it was a vessel containing the Shamir - a mysterious tool that could cut stone and diamonds?

Ancient gods are very often depicted very tall: Human looking but taller than ordinary people. So were also what is called demigods, the offspring's that the gods had with human females. The ancient gods are almost always depicted as males, and besides being tall they also were said to have a more advanced technology than the humans: That they developed the societies.
Click pictures for info
The Sumerians
The ancient Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia, the area that today is Iraq and parts of Iran, Turkey, Syria and
Oannes, Olmec and Dagon
Oannes, Olmec and Dagon
Göbekli Tepe handbags
Handbags Göbekli Tepe
Nabu - god of writing.
Nabu - god of writing
Human and Denisovan skulls
Human and Denisovan
Findings in Denisova cave
Findings Denisova cave
Denisovans travedlled far
Denisovans travelled far
Pyramids Egypt
Pyramids Egypt
Pyramid of Sun, Maxixo
Pyramid Mexico
The priestly breastplate
The priestly breastplate
How the first temple could have looked.
First temple of Jerusalem
Forbidden archeology
Forbidden archeology
Kuwait. The Sumerians are said to have invented or perfected many forms of technology - including the wheel, irrigation, mathematics and the cuneiform script. And who helped them? The gods and the demigods. Like Nabu that was the patron god of scribes, literacy and wisdom.
    Very often they hold something in their hands - and they are by most traditional archaeologists call "handbags". But they do not look like handbags; they look more like a kind of bucket. And a kind of bucket or vessel that is also more in line with legends and ancient scriptures. That the vessels that the demigods are pictured to hold are not bags but buckets called "banduddu", and that they contain holy water. The demigods also hold a pine-cone in the right hand, and it
is explained that the demigods, the Apkallu, then use the cone to sprinkle the holy water on the kings to purify them.
The Denisovans
What if the demigods of Mesopotamia were Denisovans - or might be Denisovan hybrids: The offsprings that the Denisova hominins had with the first modern humans? Yes, research has shown that Homo sapiens, Neanderthal and Denisovan populations overlapped for a while and had children together.
    We do not know for sure if the Denisovans were taller than Homo sapiens but we know that they had larger brain and a technology much more advanced than us Homo sapiens at the time. So the humans would quite sure have looked up to them - and called them gods.
Pacific islands
The Denisovans were first recognised and named from the findings in the Denisova cave in Siberia in 2010. But now we also have found DNA after them on the Pacific islands and all the way to Australia - so they must have travelled a far bit. Might be the climate changed and they left the highlands of Siberia to find warmer weather? Or might be the Denisovan men went looking for females to marry - that there were no female Denisovans in Sibian highlands that could make the race live on?
The Bible
In the Christian bible you can read the following:
"When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose" (Genesis 6:1-2).
    It must be mentioned that in the original Hebrew scriptures it was not written God but Gods in plural, - there were many!
    You can also read the following: "There were giants in the earth those days, and also after that, when the sons of God (the gods) came until the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4).
It is not only in the old Mesopotamia you can find illustrations of gods or demigods holding something - you can find the same other places of the earth. Like in South America and Easter Island. And many legends tell that these gods or demigods came from someplace else: That they came from across the sea. They came, built megaliths structures like pyramids, statues and walls, educated the local people and left. They looked like ordinary people but were taller; white skinned and also very often had beards. And had an advanced technology.
The Shamir is said to have been a kind of magical tool that came to during the sixth day of creation. Moses, that led the Jews out of Egypt at about 1440 BC, shall have used the Shamir to cut the jewels for the priestly breastplate. The Shamir then got lost but king Solomon shall have found this mystical tool and used it to built the first temple of Jerusalem. The temple shall have been completed in 957 BC.
    It should have been no problems for Moses or Solomon to keep the Shamir in a handbag - or rather a bucket - it was very small. It is said to have been small as a barleycorn - less than a centimetre! And it was supposed to be wrapped in wool and kept in basket of lead. The "glance" of the Shamir should cut the largest stones with ease.
Superior technology
Can it be that the Shamir was invented by the Denisovans? This mysterious hominid shall have gone extinct about 50.000 years ago but is now said to have existed 500.000 years ago. They made jewels, sewed their clothes and rode horses long before us Homo sapiens. The current belief is that we shall have evolved in Africa about 300.000 years ago. The Denisovans might have been the ones to develop what we call civilization - not us. That they had a superior technology, and used a tool we do not have today.
Secret history
So might be earliest human history is not exactly like we have learned in school? Is it like some researches says: That we have a secret or hidden history? Forbidden archeology? Well, new findings all over the world seems to ask questions about the first human history, and some are warned that researching this can be dangerous. But might be we need to learn the truth? In these days with climate change that might threaten humanity might be we should check if we have made problems for ourselves before - like ancient legends and scriptures say?
    Without knowing the past it might be difficult to say something about our future.

Terje Dahl
21. August 2021

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- Where the Denisovans the giants of the ancient world? Read more
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Do you have other information or comments?
Please send me an e-mail: terje@sydhav.no