I am trying to figure out if the Denisovan giants changed human history!

Ancient AliensAncient aliens from space or ancient giants from Siberia?

In the American television series
"Ancient Aliens" the hypothesis is that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for might be millions of years, and that they were behind the pyramids and many other megalithic structures. But what if it was Denisovans from the mountains of Siberia?

The TV-series "Ancient Aliens" started in 2010, the same year as a finger bone found a cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia was sequenced for DNA. To the researchers surprise it was not a human bone. The species was given the name Denisova hominins after the cave, and it was believed that they had died out about
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for more information
Denisova cave findings
Denisova cave findings
Von Däniken and Tsoukalos
Von Däniken and Tsoukalos
VonZechariah Sitchin.
Zechariah Sitchin
Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon
Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon
Denny - denisova hybrid
"Denny" - Denisova hybrid
Modern man, Neaderthal and Denisovan skulls
Modern man, Neaderthal and Denisovan skulls
Denisova cave
Denisova cave
Amun and Tutankhamun
Amun and Tutankhamun
Tall sumerian god and humans
Sumerian god and humans
Sacsayhuaman Wall, Peru
Sacsayhuaman Wall, Peru
Great Pyramid, Egypt
Great Pyramid, Egypt
Stone in Cusco wall
Stone in wall, Cusco, Peru
Michael Cremo
Michael Cremo
Charles Hapgood
Charles Hapgood
Piri Reis map
Piri Reis map
Kon-Tiki raft
Statue on Easter Island
Statue on Easter Island
Rolf the Walker
Rolf the Walker
The Screamer
The Screamer
Pokotia monolithCrespi gold tablet
Monolith, gold tablet
Fuenta Mgna bowl
Fuente Magna bowl
Roswell body was fake - it was a human baby.
Roswell body was human
UFO in New Jersey 1952.
UFO in New Jersey 1952
Apollo 11 on the moon
Apollo 11 on the moon
Pentagon in the USA
Pentagon in the USA
Altai Mountains
Altai Mountains
God - in heaven?
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid
Was this The Shamir?
Was this The Shamir?
Spread of Denisvans
Spread of Denisvans
Gold clad giant king of Peru
Giant king of Peru
Queen Salote of Tonga
Queen Salote of Tonga
30.000 years ago. Two teeth were later found, so big that the archaeologists at first thought that they had belonged to a cave bear. The Denisovans must have been very tall! What more: They found a beautiful bracelet, a tiara and a ring made of ivory, a piece of a flute, plus a seven centimeter long needle that had an eyehole at one end for tread! And another DNA-finding suggested that they might have been riding on horses. Were the Denisovans more human than us humans?
Von Däniken
Erich von Däniken was far from the first to write about aliens from outer space, but his book "Chariots of the Gods" of 1968 became a world wide bestseller. His theory was that ancient astronauts had visited Earth: Aliens that brought advanced technologies. That the visitors were behind the pyramids and other ancient megalithic ruins all over the world. Däniken suggested that the human-looking beings were welcomed as gods, and that we - modern Homo sapiens - are the descendants after these aliens.
Zechariah Sitchin
Another author that proposed that astronauts have visited Earth in the programs was Zechariah Sitchin. According to his interpretations of Sumerian ancient texts, visitors from outer space were behind the ancient Sumerian culture - often called the world's first civilization. He claimed that the aliens came from a planet beyond Neptun called Nibiru, - which had a 3,600-year-long elliptical orbit around the sun. These Annunaki became the deities of the ancient Babylonia. Most academics dismiss his work and say he has mistranslated the ancient texts.
Missing link
Something must have happened in very ancient time because archaeologists find more and more ancient ruins that are too old to be advanced as they are: They were made long before us humans should have the knowledge and tools to make them. There seems to be a missing link between Homo erectus ("upright man") and Homo sapiens ("wise man"). Some years ago Cro-Magnon was suggested as this missing link, but they are now called European early modern humans. Cro-Magnon shall have lived from 48,000 to 15,000 years ago. They were anatomically modern - and tall compared to the Neanderthals that lived at the same time. Could they have been hybrids after Denisova hominins? The findings in the Denisova cave suggest that Neanderthals, Homos Sapiens and Denisovans all lived in the cave at the same tide and that they interbred.
So how did the hybrids look like? Well, "Caucasian" was a term describing white people, established by the German anatomist Johann Friedrik Blumanback. He visited the Caucasus Mountain in 1795 and was so enchanted by the white people he saw there that he said that they must been created in God's image as an ideal from of humanity. Can it be that what he saw not were pure humans but hybrids after the Denisovans?
Larger brain
The most resent finding might shed a light on ancient history: A piece of a Denisovan skull. It is much larger than a simular piece of skull of a Homo sapiens (early or modern) and also Neanderthals. So the Denisovans seems to have had much larger brain than the other species. The size of a brain is often said to determine intelligence in ancient species. The Denisovans might have been the smart ones - not us!
    The Denisovans seem to have had a knowledge and technology that was far, far ahead of us humans. They made jewelleries and musical instruments, they sewed their clothes and were most probably riding horses at least 30.000 years ago! They must really have impressed the humans at the time. Yes, they could have easily have been called Gods. Not Gods in a theological heaven but human-looking beings that came from someplace high up - from mountains! Take a look at the depictions of the ancient Gods of Egypt: They look like humans but with North-European features, and are very tall! The ancient legends says that these Gods interbred with the human females and their descendants became the pharaohs - the rulers/kings of Egypt!
    The same goes for the even earlier Sumerian culture of Mesopotamia: It was developed by tall gods that looked like humans!
Looked like humans
You will find the same so many places in the world: Ancient legends that tell about white skinned "Gods" that came from someplace else. They looked like humans but were very tall and had an advanced technology. They came, built megalithic structures and had children with the local girls -and left.
     Yes, you can even read the same in the Christian Bible: "The sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose". The word "God" was in the Hebrew bible originally in plural, "Gods", but was changed by the Christian church under the one-god ideology.
All over the world
These gods from the legends and scriptures seems to have been the ones behind megalithic structures all over the world. They were the architects and the local people were their labourers. And they seems to have had tools and/or techniques that made it easy for them to cut and move blocks so large that we would have trouble moving them today with modern equipment. And not only did they move them but they managed to place them high up in walls!
    Often the blocks are cut/fashioned and placed in a very elaborate pattern. The explanation by the traditional archaeologists is that the ancients wanted to make the walls earthquake-proof. But so often is seems to have been something else than that - it is just too intricate. Like stones with six sides or more that were shaped in an almost impossible way. Stones of granite and basalt - hard stones that they should have not been able to cut and shape with their soft copper tools and stone hammers. And why should they bather to shape them like that? Did the architects try to tell us something? Are they warning us?
Forbidden archaeology
An interesting question is when the ancient megalithic structures were built. You cannot date stone. Might be they are older than the mainstream archaeologists say?
     The Inca say that the megalithic structures in South America were made long before them - by a race of human giants. The earliest pharaohs of Egypt claimed that the Great Pyramid and many other structures were made by tall gods. Gods that came from someplace else. The gods they descended from.
    Why do we not hear about this? Well, we might be talking about what Michael Cremo call "forbidden archaeology". In his book of 1993 he argues that humans have lived on Earth for millions of years and that the scientific establishment has suppressed the fossil evidence of extreme human antiquity.
Piri Reis map
Another person that asked if our ancient history is not the way we have learned in school was professor Charles Hapgood. In his book "The Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings" of 1966 he proposes the hypothesis that the Earth has shifted several times during geological history. And that this resulted in rapid and resent pole shifts with catastrophic results.
     Hapgood points to a map made by the Turkish admiral and cartographer Piri Reis in 1513: It definately shows what looks to be Antarctica - 300 years before Antarctica was discovered! And even more intriguing: The map shows landmass of the northern part Antarctica before it was covered with ice - at least 6000 years ago! Piri Reis stated that he had used ten Arab sources and four Indian maps sourced from the Portuguese.
Cross the oceans
But would it be possible for "sea kings" or other ancient people to cross the oceans in very ancient times? Well my Norwegian countryman Thor Heyerdahl proved with his Kon-Tiki raft in 1947 that it would be possible to sail from South America to the Polynesian islands in so-called primitive vessels. And a resent DNA-study (2020) confirms that indigenous South American people traversed more than 7.000 kilometres of open seas to reach eastern Polynesia. Well, this should not really come as a surprise since Heyerdahl's excavations on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in 1955-1956 showed that one of the ancient stone statues had an engraving of a huge vessel with three masts and at least 20 people onboard!
     Heyerdahl also showed with his Ra papyrus boats in 1969 and 1970 that the ancients could have crossed the Atlantic Ocean - and withn the Tigris papyrus boat in 1978 that the ancient Middle East civilisations could have sailed the Mediterranean Sea and out into the Atlantic Ocean.

Thor Heyerdahl had visited Egypt in 1968 and he there saw ancient art of sailors in papyrus boats, and also learned the story about the female pharaoh Hatshepsut's men sailing away to the mysterious land of Punt and returning after a more than a year - with gold, ebony and animals that could have been from the Americas. Hatshepsut (1507–1458 BC) was 12 year old when she became pharaoh and not Middle Eastern looking. Well, the Greek historian Siculus (90-30 BC) wrote that the Egyptians were strangers, the most ancient of men, who in remote time brought with them a polished language and the art of writing.
Rolv the Walker
Thor Heyerdahl kept on searching for humanity's cultural origins until he died in 2002. Since his first visit to Caucasus in the 1960s he had been trying to figure out if Odin not only was Nordic mythological god but also had been a tall chief that had migrated from the Caucasus region to the Black Sea around the first century AD.
     Heyerdahl referred to what Snorre, the Icelandic author of the Nordic Sagas, wrote in the 13th century: That this Odin from the Balck Sea travelled westwards, - and that his descendants ended up being the Viking royalties of Norway. Like Rolv the Walker (Rollo) that was so tall that no horse could carry him (the 32nd great-grandfather of Elisabeth II of the United Kingdom).
     Thor Heyerdahl also asked if a seafaring civilization had influenced not only the cultures of Scandinavia but also Easter Island and even South America.
     - The oceans were roads, not barriers, was what Heyerdahl said.

The Screamer
An ancient mummy that was found in Peru is called the Screamer. Not the famous painting "Scream" by Edvard Munch of Norway but a real mummy in a British museum that looks like it is screaming. It is at least 800 years old. The most interesting thing about the mummy is not the screaming face but that he is covered/mummified with a resin from a tree that is only found Papua New Guinea - on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Hundreds of years before that should have been possible!

Sumerian letters
It is not only Heyerdahl that claims that ancient people could have sailed on the high seas. Other researchers now say that Sumerian people from Mesopotamia (what today roughly would be parts of Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey) sailed across the oceans in ancient times. They say that some artefacts in South America are inscribed with Sumerian letters, like the Pokotia monolith and the Fuenta Magna bowl. Also some of the gold tablets in father Carlos Crispi's collection in Ecuador is said to have been written in Sumerian. The ancient Sumerians mentioned a land in the west where they mined valuable metals. The called the land Kuga Ki.

Roswell aliens
It seem like the ancient people had some help to make the megalithic structures - and the Ancient Aliens TV-programs theorises that it could have been aliens from outer space.     Well, if they came down to Earth - do we have physical proofs of these visitors? Some might remember the sensational stories saying that aliens crash-landed in Roswell in south-eastern New Mexico in 1947. In 1990 a video was shown on the TV - allegedly showing secret autopsies of the dead aliens from the UFO. The video was later found to be fake. In 2015 a picture emerged allegedly showing an alien corpse from the crash, but It was later exposed as a mummified human child. Some still say that the truth has been concealed as a result of a government conspiracy and that in fact was a UFO with aliens from outer space.
There has been thousands of UFO-sightings up though the years. Some with reports of encounters with the aliens from the crafts and even abductions.
     Well, a UFO is an unidentified flying object (U.F.O.). Usually people think of extraterrestrial spacecrafts but it can just be something in the sky that we cannot identify right away. Most often these objects turns up to be meteorites, weather balloons - or even stars or planes.
     Of course it is more exiting to say that we have had visits from space but the studies of UFOs have receive little support by mainstream scientists for this theory.
     Some say that the astronauts at the Apollo mission to the moon in 1969 saw UFOs, but NASA's official statement is that the crew on Apollo 11 did not see any UFOs an any form - in space or at the moon.

    Well, the latest news is that the US defense department will create a taskforce to investigate UFOs.

God in the highest
Ok - let us get back on Earth! When you look at the Ancient Aliens tv-series then you can try to change the word "Aliens" with "Denisovans" and it might make so much more sense! The Denisovans had an advanced technology and they came from someplace high up.
     The prayers and the Christian psalms do not say that God (or more correct: Gods - in plural, it was changed in the one-god ideology) is living in a theological heaven. The words are "God in the highest" (originally: "Gods in the highest").
      Well, imagine that you in ancient times are visiting a country without tall mountains and shall try to explain to somebody where these human looking gods with the advanced technology came from. The so-called gods from the Altai Mountains of Siberia. Would you not say that they came from high up? Higher than the trees, higher than the tallest building! From the highest! Would you not point up against the sky - heaven?
Magical tool
We know that there are similar megalithic structures all over that world. So similar that it cannot be a coincident: The builders must have had the same architect!
     We cannot replicate some of the megalithic items and structures - like the Great Pyramid of Egypt - with our modern machines and computers!
    The Denisovans made their own clothes and ornaments at least 50.000 years ago, but we do not know how advanced they became. Might be they some thousand years later invented a tool like the magical Shamir that king Solomon should have found and used to build the first temple of Jerusalem? Shamir was said to have been a worm or a substance that cut thorough or disintegrate stone, iron or diamond. Moses shall have used the Shamir to engrave the jewels that was inserted into the priestly breastplate. Lost - or hidden technology?
The climate changed
About 10.000 years ago the Denisovans were all gone. Something must have happened. We do not know for sure why they left Siberia, but climate change might have played an important role: It seems to have changed dramatically many places on Earth about 50.000 years ago. Siberia seems to have been much warmer than it is today.
    Did some of the last Denisovans seek shelter in the Denisova cave to survive the cold? Did others leave and follow the sun westwards to find a warmer place? Did the ocean currents push some of them to the south? We can find DNA after them all the way to South-America, the Pacific islands and even Australia.
   Were the survivors mostly - or only - male? Did they have children with the human girls? Did their hybrid descendants become chiefs and kings all over the world? Like the tall and gold clad kings of Peru. Like the tall kings of Tonga that up to today have married within the family to keep the blood after the visiting Gods - the giants?
Called gods - or not
Of course we could have had visits from outer space - the Earth is just a tiny, tiny speck in the universe. There are around 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe, and then we are only counting planets that are orbiting stars.
     The visitors could have brought with them an advanced technology - or not. They could have helped to develop civilisation - or not. They could have been the architects behind the megalithic structures - or not. They could have been called gods - or not. We just do not know.
    What we do know is that Denisovans had an advanced technology for the time. They were not humans but they had children with humans. Is it not possible that they or their hybrid descendants could have been behind the development of what we call civilisation?

Terje Dahl
17. August 2020

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