were the giant Inca kings?
In a private gold museum in Peru you can see the mummified
heads of pre-historic Inca kings. They are twice as big
as a normal head. Many legends of South-America tell that
giants came by ships from across the oceans after a great
deluge. Who were they - could the giants have been Denisova
hominins? Had our archaic cousins triggered a catastrophe
that almost wiped themselves out?
Starte med litt om Peru!
Giant skull boilivia Brian Foerster show normal skull, eleongated
skull and larrge skull.Video: Here
No, you will not find any mummies of gold clad giants
in the public gold museum in Peru. But nther is a privat
godl musum in th capital a,f managed to take a few pgort
of the nine feet ginats and their. that Kimall manged to
visit and Iy uou are lucky you
Legends all over the world tell that a race of giants made
the megalithic structures, like walls made of gigantic boulders
that we find in so many countries. This was also more or
less the accepted common belief until Charles Darwin's book
"Origin of Species" was published in 1859. The
theory of evolution changed everything, even if Darwin himself
was his own severest critic: With a common ancestor a race
of human giants would be impossible.
The scientists and archeologists have in resent times made
many discoveries, like the 40.000 year old tooth from the
Denisova cave in southern Siberia. It indicates a very tall
individual, and artefacts found in cave also tells about
an unbelievable modern technology - including high speed
drilling. Not too for away, in Borjomi in Georgia, an expedition
fund ancient giant bones - and the findings have been verified
by the renowned professor Abesalom Vekua. Another renowned
pantologist is professor Lee Berger of South-Africa, and
also he can show fossilized bones of human giants. Berger
and Vekua became famous for finding human sculls that are
almost 2 million years old - on each side of the world.
But when they tell that there also have been a time when
archaic humans were very tall, from 2.5 to 3 meters, then
nobody seems to listen!
Legends flod, giants, hvite gods.
b) megaliths - pyramids, statues, menhir, walls,
c) Bones, skulls
d) DNA
start i Bibelen og Nohas flod. Sønnene reiste
ut. T.
Several legends of South America tell about giants that came
from a place far away to the north; white skinned and blond
gods that had survived a world wide flood. Some of them became
Inca kings, and you can see the mummies after them even today.
Could they have been Denisova hominins - our ancient cousins?
Could it be that they had developed not only hight speed drilling
but a technology that might be was even more advanced than
we have today? Did they underestimate how fragile the eco-balance
of our planet is, did they trigger a worldwide catastrophe
that "capsized" the Earth and as good as wiped them
world wide flood
There are many ancient flood legends in South America. Since
the first Spanish explorers to the continent heard them they
could not be adapted from the Christian flood legend, even
if they are very simular: They are often telling about heavy
rain that flooded everything and just a few people surviving
to repopulate the world.
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (1532-1592)
was a Spanish explorer, author, historian, astronomer, and
scientist. His "The History of the Incas" contains
extremely detailed descriptions of Inca history and mythology.
The natives of Peru told him that the god Viracocha after
creating the world formed a race of giants of "disproportional
greatness" in addition to men in his likeness. After
some time the created people (or the giants, as one legend
says) started to disobey the rules made by Viracocha and
he punished them by sending a world wide flood called "uñu
pachacuti", which means "water that overturns
the land." They say that it rained 60 days and nights,
that it drowned all created things, and that the land rose
and sank. One legend tells that only one couple survived
in a boat, another that it was two brothers who later found
surviving sisters, while chronicler Pedro de Cieza de Leon
In 1550 summarizing the belief in an ancient deluge held
by most of the Indian nations is that no one escaped drowning,
except six people who escaped in a small boat or bark, who
gave birth to all the people who have lived and are since
that time.
Another early writer, Fernando de
Montesinos, was told by the Incas that the flood occurred
340 years prior to the conclusion of the second "sun",
which according to the Inca's chronology is about 2340 BC.
Surviving giants
Don Cieza de Leon and Agustin de Zarate published texts
in 1553 and 1555 AD respectively explaining that the incoming
Spanish were also told by the natives that a group of giants
had arrived on large reed-boats , in the vicinity of the
city of Puerto Viejo south of Lima in Peru. There is another
legend telling that the giants landed at Santa Elena point
in Ecuador just north of Peru, but it might have been several
landings or mixing up of places with simular names. They
shall have told the natives that they had left large islands
in the southern seas to the west, from which they were driven
by an Indian lord that was as big as them, that then had
rowed and sailing for many days and that they by a storm
were driven to Peru's shores. There were no women among
then. They dug deep wells though solid rock, wells that
still shall exist today. They were cannibals - or were forced
to become cannibals since they did not find enough food.
A legend tells that God punished these giants for their
sinful living by killing them with a "fearful fire
from heaven to the accompaniment of a great noise, in the
midst of which a shining angel appeared holding a sharp,
bright sword with which he slew them all at a single stroke,
and the fire consumed them leaving only a few bones and
skulls, which God allowed to remain".
Spanish conquerers was told about white skinned gods
Francisco Pizarro González, the conquistador who
conquered the Inca empire, reached Peru in 1528 the natives
called the Spanish the "Children of the Sun" or
"Viracochas" due to their fair complexion. They
are said to believe that the Spanish were the descendants
of tall, blond, blue eyed white "gods" with beards
that was said to have come to Peru from the north before
the rise of the Incas. Kon-Tiki Viracocha was the high priest
and sun-king of these legendary "white men" who
left enormous ruins on the shores of Lake Titicaca. He and
his men had been attacked by a local chief and only Kon-Tiki
and his closest companions managed to escape and flee to
the Pacific coast. The legend tells that Kon-Tiki and his
men disappeared westward out to sea on balsa-rafts. The
Incas blieved that the "Viracochas" now had returned.
of the chroniclers, Garcilaso de la Vega, "El Inca",
was the son of a Spanish conquistador and the granddaughter
of the famous Inca king Túpac Inca Yupanqui, who
was said to have sailed out in the Pacific and come back
after about a year with black people, gold, a chair of brass,
and a skin and jaw bone of a horse. As a boy he was shown
several mummies lining a wall, and told he was looking at
his ancestors, the former Inca kings. One of these mummies
had hair as white as snow, the White Inca, "Inca Viracocha",
who had been the eighth ruler of the Incas - his grandfather.
He was white bearded man, and his wife had been "as
white as an egg".
Garcilaso de la Vega, himself was a tall and white skined
man, and he also has
(Heyerdahl - ocean currents was ways. Equatoian counter
currents From Austrlai to Peru is 7249 nautical miles=?13
425.148 kilometres. How fast did Heyerdahl sail? will tak
about 80 days. Or with 150 to 200 knots it will take 35
days the fastest.
Proof. The screamer - from peru but embalmed in resin from
Papua New Guinmea.
Experts carried out a series of tests revealing the Peruvian
Shaman was embalmed using ingredients from Papua New Guinea,
more than 7,000 miles from where the man lived.
Disappearance Of The Children Of Viracocha, Part 2:
Also, as result of the half-Inca Atahuallpa massacring the
vast majority of the Inca royal family just prior to the
arrival of the Spanish in 1532,
The chronicler Pedro Ciezo de Leon offers some picturesque
notes about the Chachapoyas:
They are the whitest and most handsome of all the
people that I have seen in Indies and their wives were so
beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them
deserved to be the Incas wives and to also be taken
to the Sun Temple.
thing that is often overlooked is that Viracocha and Viracochan
are two completely, yet related names. Viracocha was the
Creator, but Viracochan and the Viracochan family were flesh
and blood people.
Legend of ancient fathers with six fingers:
South America had many mysteries, the above mentioned
six digit Waorani are one of them. Another is the tale of
Tatunca Nara, recorded by journalist Karl Brugger in 1972,
and published in book format in 1976 under the title "the
Chronicle of Akakor. Tatunka Nara is the chief of the Ugha
Mongulala tribe of Amazonian indians. The Chronicle recounts
that the Ugha Mongulala were visited by light-skinned gods
who came from the sky in golden vehicles around 1300 B.C.E.
The visitors came from a world called Schwerta, and they
come once every 6,000 years to share their knowledge. "In
appearance, the strangers from Schwerta hardly differed
from man. They had graceful bodies and white skin. Their
noble faces were framed with bluish black hair. A thick
beard covered their upper lip and the chin. Like man, they
were vulnerable creatures of flesh and blood. But the decisive
sign that distinguished the Ancient Fathers from man were
the six fingers on each of their hands and the six toes
on each of their feet, the characteristics of their divine
The stones in Puma Punku are made up of granite, andesite
and diorite. The only stone that is harder that those two,
is the diamond. The precision-made 6 mm wide groove contains
equidistant, drilled holes. It seems impossible that this
cuts were made with use of stone or copper tools. It's like
that shows that these stone blocks have been fabricated
with a very advanced technology.
If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains
"H. neanderthalensis also had an average brain size
of 1,450 cc with a range from 1,125cc to 1,750cc. The average
modern H. sapiens brain size today is 1,330cc.
For more than a century some of the biggest minds in science
have debated whether brain size has anything to do with
intelligence. A new study suggests it does. Bigger brains
make for smarter people, says Michael McDaniel, an industrial
and organizational psychologist at Virginia Commonwealth
University. "For all age and sex groups, it is now
very clear that brain volume and intelligence are related,"
McDaniel said.
One of the greatest mysteries is found at Ollantaytambo
in the Sacred Valley, Peru. Ollantaytambo is a massive citadel
located about 50 kilometres from Machu Picchu, but it was
also built for serving a higher purpose than this. It was
far beyond my imagination when tried to understand how the
Incas could be able to bring such gigantic blocks of stone
to the top of the mountain from the quarries many kilometres
away, and how have they shaped the stones to fit so well
together? And perhaps the biggest question: what was the
purpose of this construction
the strange quarry in Ollantaytambo, located in southern
Peru; At this stone quarry one can see that the stones are
cut out of the rock as if one carved them from butter, leaving
a very smooth surface with traces of horizontal lines at
the bottom (not seen on this specific image however), as
if it had been cut with laser technology.
As told by local legend, many structures including Tiwanaku
and this structure, which is known as the "Portal to
the Gods" or the "Portal to Heaven", were
erected by Lord Muru, a ruler who came from the land of
Mu (an ancient sunken continent which was once situated
in the Pacific Ocean.)
In the Bolivian legend, Tunupa is cast adrift in a reed
boat on lake Titicaca, the boat drifts south, crashing against
the shores of Lake Titicaca and opening up a passageway
for the waters to travel down to lake Poopo where he subsequently
disappears beneath the waters of the lake near Pampa Aullagas.
As sunken terraces have been found beneath the southern
part of Lake Titicaca, this could refer to the time when
the southern Altiplano sank in altitude, causing the waters
of lake Titicaca to flow south, drowning the shores to the
south of the lake and opening up the river Desaguadero which
today drains south to Lake Poopo with subsequent flooding
and destruction also around the shores of Lake Poopo.
The following extracts show how the story varied from place
to place, Tunupa sometimes being seen as a male god and
at other times as a female.
The travels of Thunupa also mark what Wachtel calls the "aquatic
axis" of the altiplano from Lake Titicaca to the great
salt pans of southern Bolivia
Morten Lund
Saga of the Lords of MU
Aramu Muru. (Serpentine Father)
Aramu Mayu (Serpentine Mother)
The legend goes that just before the final destruction
of Lemuria, Sanat Kumara, grandfather to the Solar Brotherhood
assigned his heir Aramu Muru and 12 other "Serpentine
Lords" to take the records and power objects of the
Amaru to various parts of the world for safekeeping.
These beings were the hybrid children of the Annunaki and
the Elder Earth race of the Aser.
Correspondence to: John Inge Svendsen2,3 Correspondence
and requests for materials should be addressed to J.I.S.
(e-mail: Email: john.svendsen@smr.uib.no).
The transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic,
approximately 40,00035,000 radiocarbon years ago,
marks a turning point in the history of human evolution
in Europe. Many changes in the archaeological and fossil
record at this time have been associated with the appearance
of anatomically modern humans1, 2. Before this transition,
the Neanderthals roamed the continent, but their remains
have not been found in the northernmost part of Eurasia.
It is generally believed that this vast region was not colonized
by humans until the final stage of the last Ice Age some
13,00014,000?years ago3, 4. Here we report the discovery
of traces of human occupation nearly 40,000 years old at
Mamontovaya Kurya, a Palaeolithic site situated in the European
part of the Russian Arctic. At this site we have uncovered
stone artefacts, animal bones and a mammoth tusk with human-made
marks from strata covered by thick Quaternary deposits.
This is the oldest documented evidence for human presence
at this high latitude; it implies that either the Neanderthals
expanded much further north than previously thought or that
modern humans were present in the Arctic only a few thousand
years after their first appearance in Europe.
Since then more experts from all Nordic countries have
been joining in the excavations as well as the investigations
and testing of the growing amount of material from the cave.
By this summer it was published that the (hereto) oldest
fireplace found in the cave is more than 300,000 years old!!!
According to the geological stratigrapha the deepest layers
of sediment within the cave are about 430-450,000 years
old, but this is still to be confirmed by thermochemical
By this summer it was published that the (hereto) oldest
fireplace found in the cave is more than 300,000 years old!!!
According to the geological stratigrapha the deepest layers
of sediment within the cave are about 430-450,000 years
old, but this is still to be confirmed by thermochemical
Further information: http://www.nba.fi/en/tutkimusprojeng
(choose English text and archaelogical research)
3. Caucasian discoveries
As these two facts shed new light on the history of the
arctic man as well as the modern man (which may be the same),
it is obvious that the 9,200 year old Caucasoid found at
Kennewick in the mid 90-ties would have been arriving from
the Baltic/Carelian area. A similar discovery was made in
1996 on the island of Hitra off the west coast of Norway,
where a 9,200 year old settlement was excavated.
Luzia of Lagoa Santa
Exploring the possibility that Luzia, (name given to the
11 KYO fossil remains of a female Homo sapiens with anomalous
facial features found in a cave in the Lagoa Santa region
in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil) may represent the
first amerindians whose paleolithic ancestors may be austro-melanesians
who during their coastal excursion out of Africa through
Indo-Malaysia over 60 KYA, interbred with Denisova hominin.
The Denisovans shared East Eurasian habitat contemporary
with Neanderthals whose greater range extended through westernmost
It does not seem too far a stretch to speculate that paleolithic
austro-melanesians - descendants of interbreeding between
Denisova hominin and archaic Homo sapiens - with their insatiable
wanderlust and oceanic maritime skills may have continued
their treking and rafting (even via extra-Beringial trans-pacific
migration) to become the earliest people to populate the
Americas. It seems reasonable that a state-of-art test of
the Lagoa Santa fossils for Denisovan mtDNA should be a
priority in researching Denisovan genetic radiation.
A skull belonging to a roughly 20 year old woman was unearthed
in Brazil by the French archaeologist Annette Laming-Emperaire
in the 1970s.
The reconstruction brought to light and and the measurements
confirmed that "Luzia" was not a mongoloid Amerindian
but had features indicating a possibly Australoid or southeast
Asian ancestry. When it was dated to around 11,500 to 12,500
years ago (the oldest human remains found so far in the
Americas), the sensation was perfect.
Professor Eske Willerslev, of the University of Copenhagen,
one of the authors of the Science paper, says the Oregon
cave finds predate the oldest radiocarbon dates for Clovis
culture by 1,300 years.
DNA tests conducted on the coprolites confirmed that they
came from Asian migrants but, said Professor Willerslev,
the dates challenge current views on the route of the migration.
At this date, the route from Siberia to Alaska was covered
by an ice cap formed by the convergence of the Laurentide
and Cordilleran ice sheets. Our findings show that
there were people south of the ice cap several hundred years
before an ice-free corridor developed, he said. The
first humans either had to walk or sail along the American
west coast to get around the ice cap, unless they arrived
so long before the last ice age that the land passage wasnt
yet blocked by ice.
Eske Willerslev
Statens Naturhistoriske Museum
Øster Voldgade 5-7
1350 København K
Telefon: +45 353-21309
Telefon (Sekretariat): +45 353-21213
E-mail: ewillerslev@snm.ku.dk
Of all the structures left to us by the ancients, perhaps
the most enduring are those known universally as megalithic
monuments. These great architectural achievements are compelling,
not only because of their immense size, but also because
of their ambiguity. Who built them, when, why and, more
importantly, how? In European folklore, giants were credited
with building these massive stone monoliths. Indeed, there
is direct mythological connection between giants, their
prehistoric megalithic constructions, and the eventual doom
of a lost civilization.
The huge stone structures, known as dolmens, are another
mystery. They consist of a huge stone slab supported by
several uprights and they were constructed by different
people, at various times, in widely separated parts of the
world. It seems likely that the custom of building them
was spread by contact and its interesting to note
that Professor Homet has compared the ones he saw in Brazil
with others in North Africa. All these mysteries, legends,
and evidence of giants, are indications that the early history
of man was very different from what we have been led to
Se på hvem av Noahs sønner som reiste hvor.
Hvem var det kjempene kom fra? Alle? Var Noah en Gud?
Se på skallene - hadde de flate eller høye
panner? Neanderthal eller Cro Maghnon?
The significance of Noah, according to Genesis, is that
the population of the Earth was completely destroyed during
the Flood because of the wickedness of the inhabitants,
and Noah and his family were the sole eight survivors to
continue and repopulate the human race. Thus the view of
history in the Bible is that all humans on Earth are descended
from Noah's family.
According to Genesis 10, Noah had three sons:
Ham, forefather of the southern peoples (Hamitic)
Shem, forefather of the middle peoples (Semitic)
Japheth, forefather of the northern peoples (Japhetic Eurasia)
Cush, son of Ham, Nimrod, son of Cush,
According to the Italian writer Annius of Viterbo (1432
1502), the Biblical Noah was a Giant. Annius of Viterbo
created a genealogy of Giants to show the ancestry of Noah
was linked to the French nobility.
According to Eastons Bible Dictionary, the Anakims
were a nomad race of giants descended from Arba and Arba
was the father of Anak. This race of giants dwelled in the
south of Palestine near Hebron, formerly known as Kiriah
Arba or city of Arba (Jos 14:15). The Anakims were a Cushite
tribe of the same race as the Philistines and Egyptian shepherd
You will find the origins of the Cushites in Genesis 10:6,
7. You will also find the Cushites descended from Cush,
the son of Ham. Hams lineage is mentioned in Genesis
10:6-20. And Ham was the son of Noah.
The Rephaims can be traced as far back as Genesis 14:5.
The Rephaims were one of several races of giants mentioned
in the Bible.
There were also other races of Giants mentioned in the Bible:
Anakims or Anakites mentioned in Deuteronomy, chapters
1, 2, and 9, were also considered Rephaims (Deu 2:10)
Emins or Emites as the Moabites called them (Gen 14:
5). They were also considered Rephaims (see Deu 2:10)
Zamzummites or Zamzummins, as the Ammonites called
them in Deu 2:20. They were also known as Zuzims, and Zuzites
(Gen 14:5), and were also considered Rephaims.
Horims or Horites (Deu 2:12)
The Hebrew word for those giants which existed before and
after the Flood is Nephilim. (Hebraic names that are related
to it are Anakim and Rephaim.)
In the incestuous act of Ham and Mrs. Noah, the son that
was born out of this unholy wedlock was Canaan. Canaan was
not a giant. But being a bastard, he had a good dose of
that wicked genetic make-up.
Native global flood stories are documented as history or
legend in almost every region on earth. Old world missionaries
reported their amazement at finding remote tribes already
possessing legends with tremendous similarities to the Bible's
accounts of the worldwide flood. H.S. Bellamy in Moons,
Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500
Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China,
Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia,
Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions
of a giant flood.
These flood tales are frequently linked by common elements
that parallel the Biblical account including the warning
of the coming flood, the construction of a boat in advance,
the storage of animals, the inclusion of family, and the
release of birds to determine if the water level had subsided.
The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in
distant parts of the globe indicates they were derived from
the same origin (the Bible's record), but oral transcription
has changed the details through time.
Perhaps the second most important historical account of
a global flood can be found in a Babylonian flood story
in the Epic of Gilgamesh. When the Biblical and Babylonian
accounts are compared, a number of outstanding similarities
are found that leave no doubt these stories are rooted in
the same event or oral tradition.
White gods is the belief that ancient cultures around the
world were visited by Caucasian races in ancient times,
and that they were known as "White gods".
The Macrocephali in Medieval bestiaries were a race of
humanoids with large heads.[1]
Last centers of civilizations of white gods initial races
Among immigrants with mortal descendants of white gods there
were separate isolated groups of gods or demigods (in the
Indian terminology), which else remained on the Earth. According
to ancient legends they had come down on the earth from
heavens. The centers of civilization of white gods initial
races, apparently, remained in Ireland, Altay, Northern
Egypt and Sumer up to III millennium BC .
The source for "long heads' or Macrocephali go back
as far as Hesiod [Catalogues of Women Fragment 44 in Strabo,
Geography 1. 13, trans. Evelyn-White]:
No one would accuse Hesiod of ignorance though he speaks
of the Hemikunes (Half-Dog people) and the Makrokephaloi
(Macrocephali) (Great-Headed people) and the Pygmaioi (Pygmies).
And Philostratus [Life of Apollonius of Tyana 3. 45-47 trans.
Conybeare - both sources]:
[Apollonios of Tyana asked the Indian sage Iarkhos] about
the Men who live Underground (anthropoi hypogen) and the
Pygmaioi (Pygmies) also and the Skiapodes (Sciapods) (Shadow-foots);
and larkhas answered his questions thus: . . . As
to men that are Skiapodes (Shadow-foots) or Makrokephaloi
(Macrocephali) (Long-heads), and as to the other poetical
fancies which the treatise of Skylax recounts about them,
he said that they didn't live anywhere on the earth, and
least of all in India.
Hesiod was a Greek oral poet generally thought by scholars
to have been active between 750 and 650 BC,
The Cro-Magnon were taller and had a larger brain than
Neanderthals and modern humans. The Cro-Magnon brain was
1/3 larger on average, than the modern human brain. http://journalofcosmology.com/Consciousness155.html
By comparison, the DNA of chimps is 98.8% similar. The Neanderthal
DNA is present in all ethnic groups, except for those of
African descent, suggesting that these trysts occurred after
human ancestors migrated from Africa.
Despite the fact that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens coexisted
in Europe, the genetic evidence points to the Middle East
as the origin of the interbreeding about 60,000 years ago.
Like the parents of star-crossed teenagers, some scientists
have long suspected this was the case, but lacked solid
evidence to back it up. Her
At the very end of the Ice Age, artificial cranial deformation
appeared in two different centers of the globe: it appeared
in the Atlantic area and moved to the Agricultural centers
of Mesoamerica and the Mideast in the earliers Postglacial
period: And it appeared in Indonesia (Sundaland) and spread
as far as the Upper Cave ZhouKouDian in China and into Australia.It
is something of a mystery how this could come about unless
emmisaries of one great power in one hemisphere had traveled
to the other great center of culture on the opposite side
of the Earth. Possibly as an alternative, the trait derived
from the drying-out Sahara as suggested in the article on
the Patriarchy earlier, and we have two Patriarchal Sungod-King
Warrior-Aristocracies radiating out of Africa East and West
at about 12000-15000 BC and taking over the two protoneolithic
centers separately, and again a parallel movement at the
beginning of recorded history.
Ouch! It is interesting that this cranial deformity
has been found common to many very ancient races
the Egyptians, the Olmecas, the Pre- Inca, etc. According
to some of the esoteric doctrines and teachings, a divine
root-race through whom all great civilizations developed,
HAD elongated craniums with full-functioning brain centers.
Later, as fewer of the divine race remained, the practice
of cranial deformation was practiced by those
who came after, in order to emulate the wisdom and knowledge
of these ancient ones, whom they revered.
Evidence of Past Doomsdays
According to glaciologist Lonnie Thompson, fossil evidence
shows that about 5,200 years ago, a mass extinction took
place as a result of erratic solar activity. (13.5) A steep
drop in temperature was followed by a period of global warming
at the same time biblical scholars believe the Great Flood
occurred. Thompson, whose work inspired the premise of The
Day After Tomorrow, believes both polar ice caps melted
and boosted the volume of the oceans.
Other climatologists, oceanographers and geologists have
proposed alternative explanations for the Great Flood. Columbia
University Professors Walter Pittman and William Ryan claim
rising sea levels in the Mediterranean caused an earthen
dam to collapse along the Bosporus in 5600 B.C., flooding
the densely populated Black Sea basin. (14)
The Holocene Impact Working Group alleges that a comet
struck the Indian Ocean in 2800 B.C. The impact generated
a mega-tsunami that wiped out an estimated 80 percent of
the human population.(15)
Approximately 7,000 years earlier, in North America the
sprawling Clovis population vanished suddenly, according
to archaeological digs at numerous locations. While a definitive
cause for the extinction remains undetermined, recent hypotheses
point to either the Younger Dryas climate shift or an alleged
comet impact above the Laurentide Ice Sheet, north of the
Great Lakes. Both events are dated to around 10000 B.C.
and may be inter-connected.(16) In January 2009, a group
of scientists at the University of Bristol, U.K. offered
a third possible explanation, alleging that mega-wildfires
triggered the mass extinction. (17) This theory identifies
global warming as a contributing factor.
Mayans and ICE CORE Evidence shows Global Event 5200 years
The plasma event of 9700 B.C. eradicated advanced civilizations
and high cultures of the time, and the radiation emanating
from the plasma may have affected mental and psychical abilities.
This could be the basis for the nearly universal myth of
a Golden Age, a time when beings on Earth had mental abilities
far surpassing those of later times. The 9700 B.C. event
may be the original basis for the Atlantis legends; the
timeframe fits well with Plato's account.
Megalitis compared
Pyramids (inkluded tumulus, ziggurats and mounds), dolmen,
- A tumulus (plural tumuli) is a mound of earth and stones
raised over a grave or graves. Tumuli are also known as
barrows, burial mounds, Hügelgräber or kurgans,
and can be found throughout much of the world.
Pyramids. All over the world. One i China is indenten as
the Great pyreamid!!
Were ancient Peru and ancient Egypt linked? If science and
dating is to be believed then the
Island (Rapa Nui), Pacific
Legend white gods: The first
Legend giants
Legend six fingers
Legend catastrophe
History: Roggeveen, Cook plus spanish measures
Long heads: (Stautes migh have
White descendants:
We all have seen pictures of the famous pyramids of Egypt
and have learned in school that they were tombs for the pharaohs.
Well, no mummy has been found inside any of the large pyramids
of Giza. In a period of nearly 500 years the majority of the
pharaohs were buried in tombs cut in rock walls in the Valley
of the Kings - 465 kilometres away!
pyramid, also called The Great Pyramid, is the largest. It
was the tallest
building in the world with about 150 meters before the Eiffel
Tower was built. The traditional date for the pyramids is
circa 2500 BC, built at the same time
as the nearby Sphinx. But geological analysis shows that the
oldest portions of the Sphinx date
back to at least circa 5.000 BC - it may be considerably older
still! Is it possible that the pharaoh Khufu tried to modify
a pyramid that already was standing there it to use it as
his own tomb? Did his son Khafra take on his father's idea
and carved the face on an existing sphinx
of a lion, since the face is concidered
to be that of him?
The pyramids of Giza
Elongated, large skulls
Khufu's sarcophagus
Owing to this creation he was named Viracocha Pachayachachi,
which means "Creator of all things'." And when he
had created the world he formed a race of giants of disproportioned
greatness painted and sculptured, to see whether it would
be well to make real men of that size. He then created men
in his likeness as they are now; and they lived in darkness.
Viracocha ordered these people that they should live without
quarrelling, and that they should know and serve him. He
gave them a certain precept which they were to observe on
pain of being confounded if they should break it. They kept
this precept for some time, but it is not mentioned what
it was. But as there arose among them the vices of pride
and covetousness, they transgressed the precept of Viracocha
Pachayachachi and falling, through this sin, under his indignation,
he confounded and cursed them. Then some were turned into
stones, others into other things, some were swallowed up
by the earth, others by the sea, and over all there came
a general flood which they call uñu pachacuti, which
means water that over*turns the land. They say
that it rained 60 days and nights, that it drowned all created
things, and that there alone remained some vestiges of those
who were turned into stones, as a memorial of the event,
and as an example to posterity, in the edifices of Pucara,
which are 60 leagues from Cuzco. Some of the nations, besides
the Cuzcos, also say that a few were saved from this flood
to leave descendants for a future age. Each nation has its
special fable which is told by its people, of how their
first ancestors were saved from the waters of the deluge.
That the ideas they had in their blindness may be understood,
I will insert only one, told by the nation of the Cañaris,
a land of Quito and Tumibamba, 400 leagues from Cuzco and
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (1532-1592) author of the "History
of the Incas" is equally as colourful a character as
the myths he reproduces. Considered one of the most outstanding
personalities of the Spanish 16th century, he was a navigator,
cosmographer, mathematician, soldier, historian and scholar
of classical languages well versed in Plato's Atlantis which
he mentions in detail in his account of the History of the
As a mathematician, astrologer and navigator who was also
a scholar of classical languages he also had a clear idea
of when the missing part of Atlantis disappeared.
This according to Sarmiento de Gamboa took place "when
Aod governed Israel in 1320BC." "According to
all the chronicles Solon lived in the time of King Tarquinius
Priscus, King of Rome, Josiah being King of Israel at Jerusalem
in 610BC. And from this period to the time when the Atlanteans
put the blockade upon the Athenians was 9,000 lunar years,
which referring to solar years comes to 869 years. And both
added together is the aforementioned date."
i.e. Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa specifically spells out
1320BC as being the date for the end of Atlantis using a
calendar of lunar months and I am completely surprised that
of all the many investigators and Academics who have studied
the subject, none to my knowledge has picked up on this
before. In fact,
"..powerful kingdoms of Peru were colonized by Atlanteans
who themselves first of all came from Mesopotamian or Chaldea,
populators of the World."
Whether it was in one way or the other, all agree that Viracocha
was the creator of these people. They have the tradition
that he was a man of medium height, white and dressed in
a white robe like an alb secured round the waist, and that
he carried a staff and a book in his hands.
Viracocha destroyed them in a flood the uñu pachacuti,
or "water that overturns the land."
It then goes on to describe the creation of a second race
of men who became the present inhabitants and the creation
of the sun and moon while Viracocha is the great teacher
who wandered throughout South America until he finally disappears
into the sunset over the ocean to the west.
Sacsayhuaman, The Royal House of the Sun
Rocks like andesite found in these constructions are not from
the same place they were possibly taken from Waqoto and Rumicolca,
located more than 38 km. from the site. As Peruvian archaeologist
César García Rosell says, where these huge blocks
of stone came from, how they were taken to the summit, and
the technical means used pulling equipment, cords, tightrope
and hundreds of men used for this chore will always be a mystery.
Linked to Peru is Bolivia with Voiracocha living in tivcghuanako.
Others affirm that this creation of Viracocha was made from
the Titicaca site where, having originally formed some shapes
of large strong men which seemed to him out of proportion,
he made them again of his stature which was, as they say,
the average height of men, and being made he gave them life.
Thence they set out to people the land. As they spoke one
language previous to starting, they built those edifices,
the ruins of which may still be seen, before they set out.
This was for the residence of Viracocha, their maker. After
departing they varied their languages, noting the cries of
wild beasts, insomuch that, coming across each other afterwards,
those could not understand who had before been relations and
do you think?
have the following comments on your article about
the Denisova giants and the Egyptian connection":
are the ideas, thoughts and facts our readers have sent in:
Excellent work - please visit www.goldenageproject.org.uk
for more information on these subjects. -
I think the author has seen to many programs of the
tv-show "ancient aliens". Another thing is
that the article do not have e single reference. That
makes it not believebel after my opinion.
(I have not seen any of those tv-shows! You will
find references by clicking on the pictures! Terry)